The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy · 2015. 10. 26. · The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (1)

The CampanileM o u n t S a i n t J o s e p h A c a d e m y

Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015

Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France By Laurie Metzler ’16

Picture this: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1858. Six sisters of Saint Joseph make the jour-ney from Le Puy, France, to the United States, hoping to spread a message of “unity and reconcili-ation.”

Now, look around: Mount Saint Joseph Academy, 2015, an all-girls college preparatory high school just outside Philadelphia, carrying on the sisters’ mission more that 150 years later.

As those sisters in 1858 made the journey to the United States, three of Mount’s own did just the opposite this summer, traveling to Le Puy, France, hoping to dis-cover some of the magic of Le Puy for themselves.

When Principal Dr. Judith Caviston, Foreign Language Chair Mrs. Mimi Bender and Vice-President of Institutional Advancement Mrs. Jody Ro-mano embarked on their journey to France in June, they did not know what to expect. They were headed to Le Puy for a guided re-treat, where they followed in the footsteps of those original sisters as the only lay people on the re-treat. Days were spent praying and venturing out into Le Puy to tackle the cobblestone streets and see first hand the town in which the sisters lived in the 1800s.

Everything about their trip was memorable, from the train ride there (just ask them!) to exploring the quaint town of Le Puy to in-teracting and forming friendships with the sisters on the retreat. Perhaps most remarkable is that when asked individually how she saw the sisters’ mission carried

on here at the Mount, Dr. Cavis-ton, Mrs. Bender and Mrs. Roma-no all had the same response: by serving the dear neighbor.

Dr. Caviston explained, saying, “The service to the dear neighbor started right there [in Le Puy] in 1650.”

Those original six sisters proved to be true pioneers in that they did not want to be a clois-tered order; they wanted to help the community. In that same spirit, the Mount ardently helps the dear neighbor in any way pos-sible, whether that “neighbor” be

a classmate, family member or stranger. Faculty and students alike actively seek to help those in need.

Mrs. Bender elaborated, say-ing, “It’s . . . seeing a problem and working to fix it.”

The original sisters saw a need in their community, and they worked to fix it whatever way they could. Mount instills that same sense of selflessness and generosity in its students.

As Mrs. Romano remarked, “Mounties are always looking be-yond themselves to see how they

can help those around them--and no one better ever tell a Mountie that she can’t!”

The spirit of the sisters is pres-

ent here at the Mount in more ways than just one. In Mount’s theme of “unity and reconcilia-tion” this year, the Mount com-munity is embracing the mission of those original six women.

“Unity and reconciliation are among the founding principles of the [Sisters of Saint Joseph], and, therefore, of the Mount,” Mrs. Romano said.

Dr. Caviston, Mrs. Bender and

Mrs. Romano’s trip united them with sisters from all over the United States and Canada. Lat-er this month, Dr. Caviston and President S. Kathleen Brabson will be attending a meeting with sisters from France, Puerto Rico and China, among other places. In the middle of October, the en-tire Mount community celebrates Founder’s Day to commemorate the success of the sisters’ mission. The community today has grown and evolved in more ways than those original sisters ever could have imagined.

“It’s everybody united with the spirit of these six young sisters . . . it flows from what the sisters, our founders, really made a com-mitment to,” said Dr. Caviston.

Dr. Caviston, Mrs. Bender and Mrs. Romano had the experience of a lifetime this summer; their trip to Le Puy was all they could have anicipated and more.

Mrs. Bender reflected on their trip, saying, “As far as getting in touch with the essence of the sis-ters, absolutely, you come away a changed person.”

Perhaps even more remarkable than the trip itself was returning to the Mount and seeing the mis-sion of the sisters carried on here. Dr. Caviston, Mrs. Bender, and Mrs. Romano traveled to France hoping to discover some of the magic of Le Puy.

Upon returning, they real-ized that the magic of that quaint town, and of the sisters, was here all along.

For more coverage on Found-ers’ Day and Le Puy, see page 3.

Mrs. Mimi Bender, Dr. Judith Caviston, S. Kitty Hanley, CSJ, and Mrs. Jody Romano gather in chapel. S. Kitty facilitated the retreat in LePuy, and spoke at Mount on Oct. 1.

Founders’ Day rekindles spirit

Seniors Lauren Scheffey, Julianna Kardish and Maddy Carlton make their final walk from the Mother House on Founders’ Day.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (2)

Mount News pa g e 2 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Mr. Thomas Bender

By Claire Brown ’16

The newest addition to the English Department, Mr. Thom-as Bender, is no stranger to the Mount community.

“I come from a long line of Mounties,” said Mr. Bender, cit-ing his late grandmother, Fran-ces Strolle; late great aunt Eu-genia Comerford; mother Mimi Bender; aunt Cyndy Strolle and sister Emily Bender, all of whom graduated from the Mount. Mrs. Comerford taught as the first lay teacher, and Mrs. Bender contin-ues her work today.

“I am very familiar with the spirit of the school, with every-thing that the Sisters of Saint Jo-seph do. I really believe that the education of young women is an important aspect of our society, and I am happy to be a part of that and help the young women at this school grow and develop.”

Mr. Bender received his Bach-elor’s Degree in English from Gettysburg College and his Mas-ter’s Degree in Creative Writing from Temple University and now is currently working on his Mas-ter’s Degree in Education from Chestnut Hill College.

“Writing is definitely one of my passions,” said Mr. Bender, who added if he were not a teacher, his profession would have to involve the writing process.

His love for reading and writ-ing extends outside of the class-room. In his free time, Mr. Bend-er considers reading and writing his greatest hobbies.

Mr. Bender is enjoying his time as a part of the Mount communi-ty. Teaching three different levels of English, he has the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of young women who all show a sincere investment in their educa-tion.

“[Mount] is a strong communi-ty of women, and they are all mo-tivated to learn,” Mr. Bender said.

He added, “I’m looking for-ward to being involved outside of school: going to different sport-ing events, getting involved in other extracurricular activities and working with the girls in a variety of ways, not just in the classroom.”

Miss Keriann Kane

By Shannon LoStracco ’17

She attended an all-girls pri-vate, Catholic academy. She played soccer and softball, and enjoyed games on spirit days. She went on service trips to Appala-chia. She loves Netflix.

These qualifications coupled with her upbeat personality and relatable charm make Miss Keri-ann Kane a perfect fit for her new position in the Math Department.

“I really love the girls and my colleagues. Everyone has been exceptionally nice and helpful,

and my students are all very re-spectful and kind,” Miss Kane said. “I’m looking forward to learning the traditions of the Mount.”

Miss Kane said she is “clear-ly comfortable in the all-girls schools,” having graduated from Villa Joseph Marie Academy, completed her student teaching at Little Flower High School for Girls and taught for the past three years at Nazareth Academy.

“I really enjoyed working at

Nazareth, but I’m very happy to be at the Mount,” she added.

The Bucks County native earned both her undergraduate degrees in Secondary Education and Mathematics with a minor in Theology and her graduate degree, a Master’s in Education, from LaSalle University.

Miss Kane credits one of her high school teachers with inspir-ing her to become a teacher.

“She made learning fun and made the most difficult topics easier to understand. She was a Spanish teacher, so even though she was a major influence on my wanting to become a teacher, I knew I wanted to teach in the subjects that I always understood well – math.”

When asked what she would be doing now if she weren’t a teacher, Miss Kane answered quickly, “I’d definitely try to get a job in Disney World….in one of the Disney parks so that I could be a cast member who makes the magic happen every day.”

Despite not working for Dis-ney, Miss Kane manages to make Magic every day in her classes.

Mr. Michael Gambone

By Kelly Ward ’17

Mr. Michael Gambone, both the newest addition to and also the department chair of the The-ology Department, is very excited to start the next chapter of his teaching career here at the Mount.

“I’m very grateful for the hos-pitality of my colleagues, for wel-

coming me so enthusiastically to the community.”

Previously working at Christ the King Prep and Saint Peter’s Prep, both New Jersey schools, Mr. Gambone is eager to continue his teaching career at the Mount.

Mr. Gambone’s high school history teacher at Devon Prep in-spired Mr. Gambone and many of his peers to want to become ex-cellent educators.

“We had excellent teachers at Devon Prep,” said Mr. Gambone

of his high school experience. “My history teacher actually in-spired my vocation to teach be-cause he was such an excellent educator. He seemed to live and breathe knowledge, and many of his students wanted to be like him, myself included.”

The opportunity to teach at the Mount was one of sheer fate for Mr. Gambone.

“I wanted to move closer to family in Pennsylvania. Thank-fully, a job opened at just the right time, and I think Christ guided us along the rest of the process.”

Mr. Gambone’s deep-rooted passion for teaching is obvious in everything that he does.

“I cannot imagine doing any-thing except teaching theology. I love teaching too much.”

Mr. Gambone is “deeply in-spired by the intelligence of Mount students” and is looking forward to doing what he loves and sharing his passion with the Mount community.

Mrs. Francie McGovern

By Nina Chae-Gordon ’18

Mrs. Francie McGovern’s first experience as a school nurse came last year when she substituted for Mrs. Maryanne Coyle, but the Philadelphia native is no stranger to the medical profession.

Since earning her nursing de-gree from Germantown Hospi-tal School of Nursing at the age of twenty, Mrs. McGovern has worked at Chestnut Hill Hospital.

“When I did the long-term sub

for Maryanne, I realized I could do both,” said Mrs. McGovern who works two or three nights a week at Chestnut Hill Hospital as a Nursing House Supervisor.

When Mrs. Coyle retired in May, Mrs. McGovern welcomed the opportunity to take over as school nurse full-time.

“Maryanne and I shared a lot of contacts and experiences in common,” said Nurse McGov-ern, who credits Mrs. Coyle for helping her make the transition to

school nursing.A graduate of Cardinal Dough-

erty High School, Mrs. McGov-ern said she took a special interest in the sciences and aspired to pur-sue a career that would fulfill her yearning to care for those who could not care for themselves.

Mrs. McGovern resides in Wyndmoor with her husband and three daughters – Kylie, Katie and Kelsey – and Weimaraner Roxy. When she is not caring for sick Mounties or making rounds at Chestnut Hill Hospital, Mrs. Mc-Govern enjoys reading and inter-national travel with her family.

Mrs. Jane Pickering

By Lily Tubman ’18

The new school year offers not only new additions to faculty and staff but also a new position: hall monitor.

Mount alumna Mrs. Jane Pick-ering, or “Mrs. P,” said her love for the Mount and for working with teenagers, “makes this excit-ing opportunity the perfect fit.”

“I expected the girls to push limits. They have not,” she said. To be back and once again to be “surrounded by such nice girls and colleagues,” is her favorite thing about her new position.

Before coming to the Mount, Mrs. Pickering held various jobs, from working as an executive secretary at Pecora Corporation to working in customer service at the oldest paint company in the United States, Old Village Paint.

A native of Springfield Town-

ship, Mrs. Pickering spent a se-mester at York College of Penn-sylvania before transferring “due to homesickness” to Montgom-ery County Community College where she completed her degree.

Mrs. P said she continues to share an abundance of fond, high school memories with many of her “closest friends” whom she met at Mount. In her spare time, Mrs. P said she cherishes the time she finds to read and spend time with her two cats, three children and grandchildren.

“I am a people person,” Mrs. P says. Her greatest goal for the upcoming school year is to learn all of all the girls’ first and last names!

Ms. Lydia Thomas

Jenna Yesenosky ’17

When you first walk into Ms. Thomas’s office, you may initially notice the many cheerful decora-tions displayed around the room. The optimistic messages jump from the walls and give the office a bright, fun feel.

If the jovial décor isn’t an im-mediate indication of Ms. Thom-as’ sunny personality, the bright smile she wears from 8am to 3pm every day definitely is.

“I really enjoy being the first smiling face that students and faculty see in the morning,” she said.

Ms. Thomas attended Blooms-burg University, majoring in communications, which aided her decision to pursue a career that would allow her to exercise her interpersonal skills. Her first job managing the main desk of the student affairs office at Blooms-burg provided her with invaluable experience for her current job at the Mount. Ms. Thomas said that her favorite part of the job was having, “an opportunity to work with the faculty of Bloomsburg and to gain their perspective on life both at the university and out-side of it.”

This year, in addition to learn-ing all the names of the students, Ms. Thomas hopes to travel out-side of the country, something she has not yet had the opportunity to do.

Aside from traveling, Ms. Thomas enjoys spending time with her friends and watching Netflix. She volunteers at Camp Pals, a camp for children with Down Syndrome. If Ms. Thomas were not doing what she is now, her ideal job would be to run a recreational center for children with special needs. Volunteer work has always been a signifi-cant part of her life, making her a good fit for Mount and its empha-sis on serving the dear neighbor.

“I love my job here,” Ms. Thomas said. “The Mount is such a positive environment, and the faculty and students are truly happy to be here.”

New teachers and staff members Mr. Michael Gambone, Mrs. Francie McGovern, Mrs. Jane Pickering, Ms. Lydia Thomas, Miss Keriann Kane and Mr. Thomas Bender gather.

Six fresh faces usher in school year

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (3)

FeaturesO c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 t h e c a m pa n i l e Pa g e 3

Mount fondly remembers fantastic five

“I could always count on Mrs. Shevlin to greet me in the morn-ing with a smile and an inspira-tional story or quip.”

Maddy Lauinger ’16

“Mrs. Shevlin made every ear-ly morning club meeting or last block Friday class bearable with her light and her joy.”

Lia Rocchino ’15

“I had Mrs. Brindle for study senior year, and I honestly loved it. She was really good at mak-ing sure we were making use of our study without treating us like little kids. She always knew our names and would often compli-ment The Campanile students or athletes on their latest achieve-ments.”

Stephanie Eble ’15

“Mrs. Lennon was always there no matter what time of the day. If it were super early and someone from administration wasn’t in yet, I always knew I could ask her anything and she would point me in the right direction!”

Grace Hogan ’15

“When I entered the Mount as a freshman in 1985, Ms. Evelyn had just finished her first year working here. When I started teaching here in 2013, it made me so happy to see a familiar face. Ms. Evelyn has always said hi and has been so kind to me.”

Patricia Eakins ’89

“Mrs. Glasgow would always smile and say hello, usually of-fering helpful advice or funny comments.”

Kylie Ford ’15

“I will never forget the lunches we shared together almost every day. Mrs. Glasgow was a wonder-ful colleague and friend, and we have kept in touch.”

Dr. Bernadette Balcer

Founders 1865 Founders 2015

First kitchen of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in LePuy, France.

Famous chapel in LePuy, France.

Senora Hoffman’s Honors Spanish IV class celebrates the senior Founders’ day breakfast.

The Senior class poses on the walk back from Liturgy.

“Being united with all of my fellow Mount sisters on our last Founders’ Day brought out a wide array of emo-tions including joy and nos-talgia.” - Claire Brown ’16

“It’s a day when you aren’t just with your group of friends. This day embodies the unity of our school.” - Audrey Trullinger ’18

“I felt that it was a totally different experience this year than any other year. Being a senior made the day even more powerful, and I really felt unified with ev-eryone” - Kylie Ford ’16

“Four years later on my last Founders’ Day, I found it to be one of the most unifying experiences here and it’s a reminder of the roots we come from especially as we are thinking about our next steps in life.” - Julia Fox ’16

“As I sit in the chapel on Founders’ Day, seeing my star reminds me that my role as a member of the Mount community goes be-yond my time in the class-room and that I can have a positive effect on the stars of the Mount community in a variety ways.” -Señora Hoffman

Seniors Olivia Tice-Carroll, Audrey Ezzo, Hannah Tubman, Libby Burgoyne and Emma Wooley jump into their last Founders’ Day.

“Watching the students all gather for the festivities and being a part of them made my first Founders’ Day memorable.” - Tamar Hovespian ’19

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (4)

PopePa g e 4 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Pope Francis inspires Grogan By Isobel Grogan ’17

As a huge fan of Pope Francis, I was more than excited to see him during the World Meeting of Families. Throughout the preced-ing week, I watched Pope Francis work his way through his obliga-tions and attempted to tune out the commentary, the politics and the speculations.

I spent the entirety of Satur-day and Sunday downtown at a gracious friend’s house, getting wrapped up in the spirit of the event. The nature of the whole experience was utterly peace-ful. Men, women and children bore four-hour lines and cramped quarters cheerfully. People chat-tered in a thousand different lan-guages, happy to be misunder-stood, happy to wait (for the most part), happy just to be there.

During the mornings and in be-tween events, I spent time sketch-ing different families around me, talking with my friends and even meeting up with a group of Sis-ters of Life that I had met at the Papal mass at Madison Square Garden the day before. Waiting for Francis was like advent, with all of us pilgrims in a deep joy of expectation.

When the Papal Procession began, I joined the crowds lean-

ing against the barriers to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis. See-ing him was awe-inspiring. The

simplicity of his person, dress and demeanor was paradoxi-cally beautiful. He didn’t look like God’s chosen mouthpiece.

He looked human; he looked nervous. When he addressed the crowd in his homily, it felt pasto-

ral, as if we were nothing more than the regular Sunday congre-gation at a neighborhood church. His entire attitude was intimate

and loving. The message of his speech was

also uncomplicated. His main fo-

cus was simply “take care of the children and the grandparents,” something I’ve heard a thousand times. When the words were said

in such an earnest, straightfor-ward manner, however, I became ashamed that I had not heeded them beforehand. Moreover, Pope Francis emphasized the idea that our faith is manifested in our mi-nor acts of kindness, the little ef-forts we extend in our daily lives. He made simple so glorious.

I heard his words from his lips only, and saw nothing on the news, heard nothing of the politi-cal dissections of his speeches or the media analyses of each one of his actions. Because of this first hand encounter, the whole expe-rience embedded the virtue of charity in my mind; I hope I have not lost it yet.

In his humility, Francis closed many speeches with an endear-ing, “And don’t forget to pray for me.” I hope everyone grants him the prayers and good wishes that he asks for, because I truly be-lieve that he is a manifestation of Christ in our world.

May God Bless Pope Francis.

Pope Francis shares his blessings with an elderly woman who cherishes his teachings.

Editors-in-Chief: Claire Brown ’16 Eliza Ewing ’16 Sarah Haurin ’16 Julianna Kardish ’16

Copy Editor: Paige Comtois ’17 Callie Shinkle ’17 Emma Veon’17 Section Editors: Jacey Abdalla ’17 Sam Altomare ’17 Laura Arnold ’16 Kristen Bahr ’17 Caitlyn Bell ’17 Grace Comerford ’17 Sarah Felbin ’17 Frances Fiorella ’17 Regan Fitzgerald ’17 Taylor Grey ’16 Julianna Hunt ’16 Maddy Lauinger ’16 Shannon LoStracco ’17 Meredith Mayes ’17 Amanda Mooney ‘17 Laura Santori ’17 Callie Shinkle ’17 Tess Worthington ’17

Adviser: Ms. Bernadette Leonard

THE CAMPANILE120 West Wissahickon Avenue

Flourtown, PA 19031

Sophom*ore Rebecca Koestler shared her neighbor Dana Mad-den’s account of her experience during the papal weekend:

“Dan and I went to Indepen-dence Mall last Saturday hoping just to catch a glimpse of Pope Francis and to hear him speak. He is such an inspirational man and we knew being in his pres-ence would be moving.

When googling Pope Fran-cis last week, I saw a picture of a baby dressed as the Pope and thought it was genius. I knew Quinn would make an adorable

baby Pope. We had no idea that her little hat would bring us such luck and happiness.

We waited for about four hours, and we met lots of lovely people from all over the world. We weren’t sure if Pope Francis would arrive in the Popemobile, and when he did the crowd went wild.

When he turned the corner by us, we held Quinn out hoping she would receive a blessing. When Pope Francis saw her, he started laughing so hard. It was an ab-solutely unbelievable experience. Just to be in his presence was so

spiritual and to see him laugh made our hearts so happy.

His joy was absolutely con-tagious, and the crowd around us went nuts. You could feel the love in the air. When one of his security guards took Quinn over to Pope Francis to be blessed and kissed we were speechless and overcome with so many emotions.

We feel so very blessed and grateful and we look forward to sharing this magical moment with Quinn when she is older.”

– Dana Madden, friend of the Mount.

“Popey” Love

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (5)

PopeO c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 t h e c a m pa n i l e Pa g e 5

By Emma Veon ’17

“We were singing it in Latin so that unified us together in that moment, but also sort of across time with our ancestors, with the generations and generations of Catholics that have come before us,” said Music Director Mr. Don Holdren of his experience in the papal choir.

Mr. Holdren spent the last weekend of September perform-ing in the papal choir during the World Meeting of Families.

Of the experience he said, “The feeling of unity down there with all of the people was just incredible. Just seeing nothing but people all the way down the Parkway down to City Hall was absolutely incredible.”

Time has certainly not sub-dued his excitement.

Mr. Holdren’s pre-World Meet-ing of Families experience in-volved his being nominated by his parish to audition and then se-lected to join the choir, an honor that moved him deeply.

“It was awesome,” he said. The massive gathering of mil-

lions of excited Catholics was

truly awe-inspiring, with every-one present possessing an impa-tient desire to see and hear Pope Francis.

“That feeling of unity and when we got to the point in The Creed where we said, ‘I believe in one, holy, Catholic, apostolic Church.’ We really were one Church.”

He was not united solely with his fellow singers, nor was the sense of togetherness restricted to within the city limits. Mr. Hold-ren felt unified with all Catholics spanning every decade and locat-ed in every corner of the world.

“This,” he says, “was the most special thing that I took away.”

Mr. Holdren was a member of the papal choir, but the stories he is most eager to share do not re-volve around his time singing

Mr. Holdren is what we strive to be: an instrument of unity, an irreplaceable part of the whole Catholic community.

He reprised his performance on Monday, Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia.

Papal choir members, freshman Sofia Farrell, Mr. Donald Holdren and freshman Kath-leen Timberlake pose in front of the Art Museum during the World Meeting of Families.

Señora Eakins and her family celebrate the Papal visit to Philadelphia.

By Patricia Eakins ’89

My husband and I de-cided at the last minute that we wanted to take our family to the Festival of Families.

Our church had extra tickets and they were re-ally encouraging people to attend the event. Although we were a little afraid of the crowds, we decided that this was an oppor-tunity that we shouldn’t miss!

Steve and I and our three kids got the train at Penn-brook on Saturday morn-ing around 10:30 a.m., and our adventure began!

I am very happy that we made the decision to go. The experience was amaz-ing on so many levels. We were blessed to have this momentous event take place in Philadelphia, our city!

After having cheese steaks in Reading Termi-nal Market, we started our beautiful walk to the Art Museum. Along the way, we saw all kinds of excite-ment from bomb sniffing dogs, the national guard, the secret service and pro-testers trying to tell us that the Pope is the anti-christ. I’ve never seen my kids so observant or in such shock.

We waited in line to go through security on Broad Street. There we entered into the Festival of Fami-lies. We slowly worked

our way up to the real ac-tion. Some of our stops along the way were City Hall, Love Park and, our favorite, ice cream.

At Logan Circle we laid out our blanket and en-joyed some entertainment. Of course, my favorite was a Latino Group called “Viva Más.” Later we got up and continued our walk to the Art Museum. I loved the fact that as we walked we could enjoy the entertainment on the big screens that were conve-niently placed along the parkway.

We were overwhelmed by the sheer number of men, women, children, priests, nuns, brothers, lay people -- Catholics who came together for this incredible event. Finally, the Pope’s speech at Independence Hall came up on the big screens, and everyone got silent. Thousands of peo-ple listened to what he had to say.

This is when the most awesome part of the day happened for me. At the end of his speech, he asked us to join hands. We took the hands of people on the street whom we did not know and together we all said the Our Father. It gave me chills and I cried.

After the Pope’s speech, we enjoyed watching some of the big performers such as Sister Sledge, Matt Ma-

her and the comedian Jim Gaffigan. Then the mo-ment we were all waiting for happened when the pa-pal parade began. We no-ticed people were camping out near the street all day, but we weren’t sure why. It all made sense when the papal parade began. Those people had front row seats. We did not.

My husband put our oldest daughter on his shoulders. She saw Pope Francis going from the Art Museum towards City Hall. Then we got her down and quickly put our two younger children on our shoulders. They were able to see him going back towards the Art Museum. It was very exciting and the perfect ending of a per-fect day!

We exited the Festival, got on the train and were home no later than 10 p.m. It was way easier than I thought it would be, and I am so glad we did it!

To be a part of an event that was all about the im-portance of the family in society, and to be there with my family, was a mo-ment that none of us will ever forget.

For my children to be able to see the Pope made it all worth it!¡Viva El Papa!

Mr. Holdren lifts his voice in Papal Choir

Señora Eakins shares festival with family

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (6)

Commentarypa g e 6 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Debatable behaviorBy Eliza Ewing ’16

John Boehner rocked Capi-tol Hill on Sept. 25 when he an-nounced his intentions to resign his seat as Speaker of the House at the end of October.

Only one day after Pope Fran-cis became the first pon-tiff to address a joint meeting of Congress, Boehner held an emo-tional press conference to explain the rationale behind his decision. The Speaker sang a ditty as he walked up to the podi-um, where he proceeded to offer some insight into his abrupt decision:

“This morning I woke up and said my prayers – as I always do – and I decided today’s the day I’m going to do this. As simple as that.”

The Speaker reminded report-ers that he had intended to resign his seat at the end of last year, but felt he had a duty to stay af-ter former House majority leader Eric Cantor was upset in his last reelection bid. On Sept. 25, how-ever, mounting pressure from the Republican Party’s vocal con-servative wing appeared to have reached critical mass.

Boehner’s four-year tenure of Speaker of the House has in-cluded deep turbulence within the GOP as well as violent clashes

with Senate Democrats, and he has struggled mightily to hold his fractious and increasingly conservative party together over divisive issues like health care and the federal budget, often fac-ing harsh criticism from his own party. Most recently, with another

potential government shutdown on Oct. 1, the Speaker had been frustrated in his efforts to negoti-ate a solution. A growing number of conservatives had refused to avert the shutdown unless the bill to do so included a measure to de-fund Planned Parenthood, a con-troversial demand which stalled talks in the House.

The Speaker told reporters on Friday, Sept. 25 that his resigna-tion came for the greater good.

“My first job as speaker is to protect the institution,” Boehner

said, adding that it has become clear to him that the “turmoil” that has marked his years in of-fice “would do irreparable harm to the institution.”

Political pundits and media speculate that part of Boehner’s intention in resigning was to

protect “the institution” from another shutdown by forcing conservative Republicans to back a short-term funding mea-sure in order to elect a new Speaker.

Mr. Boehner’s resig-nation elicited mixed re-actions on Capitol Hill. Loud cheering greeted Republican presidential favorite Marco Rubio’s announcement of the news, while President Obama spoke nothing but praise to reporters during a joint news con-

ference with Chinese President Xi Jinping, calling Boehner “a good man” and “a patriot” who has always kept his word.

The name of the current House majority leader, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, has been mentioned as the pos-sible 54th Speaker of the House. Another potential Speaker-elect, Representative Paul Ryan of Wis-consin, has said that he would be reluctant to take the job.

Speaker of House resigns

by Sarah Haurin ’16

Columbine. Aurora. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. Charleston. The names of these schools and cities have become synonymous with carnage and death.

In the past 14 years, the num-ber of active shootings per year has more than doubled, from 6.4 per year to 16.4. Guns have sur-passed cars as the number one cause of death for young people. Every year in the United States, 11,000 people die because of gun violence. Why have these statis-tics not spurred a greater move-ment for stricter laws regarding gun ownership?

In a 2011 study, Professor Richard Florida discovered a correlation between gun con-trol and firearm related deaths: States with at least one restriction on gun ownership witness fewer gun-related homicides. Still only 42% of Americans support strict-er gun control laws while 14% af-firm a need for fewer laws.

After a killing spree in a Cali-fornia college last May, the father of one victim called the country to action. In answer to the father’s plea, a gun advocate wrote an open letter affirming that the out-spoken father’s “dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.”

Though in this country every citizen is guaranteed his or her Constitutional rights, certain re-

strictions on these rights have been allowed in order to ensure the safety of a person’s fellow citizens: The First Amendment was not intended to protect a per-son’s yelling “fire” in a crowded public space. So why is the call for stricter gun legislation viewed as a flagrant infringement on citizens’ Sec-ond Amendment rights?

T h r o u g h o u t American his-tory, citizens and their government have endured an endless struggle between the need for security and the right to free-dom. In the past, we have forfeited some rights to ensure greater protection from threats of terror-ism, most notably the Patriot Act of 2001. Since 9/11, the country has witnessed fewer than 20 terror-related deaths on American soil, but close to 364,000 deaths related to gun violence. The issue of gun control perfectly embodies this Ameri-can dilemma, and in this situa-tion, greater safety and security are surely worth the sacrifice.

While those who favor free-

dom over security lament the plight of the law-abiding gun owner wrongfully stripped of his or her rights in an effort to reduce crime, most Americans in sup-port of stricter gun control call for greater restrictions rather than a complete ban on purchasing. This method should not have a

great impact on those responsible Americans who wish to lawfully exercise their Second Amend-ment rights.

Many Americans support the requirement of background checks at private gun shows, as well as measures to prevent citi-zens with diagnosable mental ill-nesses from purchasing firearms.

The majority of Americans also support the creation of a federal database to track gun ownership and bans on assault weapons, semi-automatic weapons, high-capacity magazines and the on-line sale of ammunition.

These proposed measures would not infringe upon the

rights of the law abiding A m e r i c a n s who seek the purchase of guns for defensive or hunting pur-poses. Since shootings in-volving these high-capacity am munit ion clips prove to be signifi-cantly more deadly, as was demonstrated during the de-cade in which these maga-

zines were banned in the United States, restricting these deadly weapons can only help to combat the widespread epidemic of gun violence.

While limiting the availability of firearms in the United States will contribute to a decrease in the nation’s gun violence, such laws can only do so much. The

somewhat trite statement “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” proves both true and rel-evant when discussing issues of violence.

In order to fully address the widespread violence, especially as witnessed in our nation’s youth, mental health and the way in which we raise our children must be given as much attention as ac-cessibility to firearms. Violent video games, which have been scientifically proven to numb our brains to carnage, coupled with our eagerness to supply our children with co*cktails of psy-chotropic drugs create a recipe for disaster. Though medication is often necessary to treat mental illness, without therapy to address the root of the issues, coming off of medication can have dangerous effects. Past school shootings and their shooters, especially Colu-bine’s Eric Harris, have become sources of inspiration for young men looking for a sense of be-longing, providing them with a normalization of their troubling thoughts so that they neglect to seek professional help.

Only by addressing all of these aspects contributing to our coun-try’s outrageous levels of brutal-ity can we begin to resolve the is-sue of violence pervading today’s society.

Gun control sparks national controversy

Students at Umpqua Community College in Oregon com-fort each other after the shooting on Thursday, Oct. 1.

By Caitlyn Bell ’17

With only a few months until 2016, the presidential primaries are fastly approaching. Public interest in the upcoming race has dramatically risen, with the Re-publicans drawing the most atten-tion.

Two republican debates have occurred so far. Even without watching them, I’m sure you have heard some of the social media buzz or seen a few Trump jokes.

The first debate proved to be the most watched in American history, filled with scathing accu-sations and brazen interruptions. Fox News anchor Brett Baier opened with a very simple ques-tion: “Is there anyone on stage, and can I see hands, who is un-willing tonight to pledge your support to the eventual nominee of the Republican party?” Only one hand was raised, and it wasn’t Hillary Clinton’s.

Donald Trump proceeded to make sexist comments for the rest of night. When asked why he re-peatedly labeled women as “dogs, slobs and disgusting animals,” Trump dodged the question. Later, during a CNN interview, Trump asked if GOP moderator Megyn Kelly “had blood coming out of her wherever.”

Next, Dr. Ben Carson ex-plained why intelligence and di-plomacy are more important than political knowledge in foreign af-

fairs. While both are necessary, I understand the importance of the former over the latter. Carson’s cranial-centric closing argument focused on his accomplishments in his field of medicine: “[I was] the only one to take out half a brain, although you would think, if you went to Washington, some-one had beat me to it.” I’m glad Carson can crack a joke, but is he serious about this election?

Marco Rubio opened by re-minding us that this upcoming election shouldn’t be centered on each candidate’s resume, but in-stead on their personal experienc-es. He argues, “If I’m our nomi-nee, how is Hillary Clinton gonna lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck? I was raised pay-check to paycheck.” He has a point; however, I was anxious to hear his plans to save our nation’s economy, raise middle class sala-ries, and lower unemployment.

Despite these omissions, Rubio was the most poised candidate throughout the debates. He radi-ates an enthralling charm, but we mustn’t fall for it. To be ready for the Oval Office, Rubio must first organize his arguments as metic-ulously as he styles his hair.

With polls shifting daily, tell-ing where this election is headed proves difficult, but we can safely say the Republican candidates will continue to pave a radical political path to the 2016 election.

Speaker Boehner announced his resignation on Sept. 25. He will step down in October.

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CommentaryO c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 t h e c a m pa n i l e Pa g e 7

Afghan women open doors in computer scienceBy Paige Comtois ’17

In Afghanistan the tech econo-my is growing, but many Afghan women struggle to find tech opportu-nities in its male-dominated culture. Fereshteh Forough made opening doors in the field of technology for women in Af-ghanistan her goal, founding a program called Code to In-spire.

Code to Inspire is a one-year program for women ages 15-25. Through this program, high school girls learn the foundations of computer science, while women with more experience in the field further their knowledge by learning to code apps and de-velop entrepreneurial skills.

Forough, an Iranian-born Af-ghan refugee with a Masters in Computer Science from the Tech-nical University of Berlin, found inspiration to further career op-

tions for Afghan women through her own experience growing up as a woman in this patriarchal society. Her mission for Code to

Inspire is “to educate and train women as much as we can with technology; build a network of women in Afghanistan who sup-port each other; create startups and entrepreneurs that create more job opportunities for wom-en; and launch more program-

ming labs in different cities in Af-ghanistan to expand the project.”

In the U.S., educational oppor-tunities for women who aspire to

work in computer science have become much more accessible, but Afghanistan almost entirely lacks these opportunities. Many Afghan men condemn the idea of women receiving any type of education because they fear that educated women will be better

able to advocate for equal treat-ment. Extremists in Afghanistan have gone as far as verbally ha-rassing students or pouring acid

on young girls’ faces in order to prevent them from going to school. Other men have even burned schools down.

Code to Inspire hopes to main-tain the tradition and culture of Afghanistan while infusing it with technology. The program

welcomes only women in order to stifle any of the concerns families may have about the association of boys and girls. Forough and

her team have begun the process of build-ing a facility to which women can safely and easily commute so they can use the computers in the facility to find work online. Working online realeases women from the stigma surround-ing employment in lo-cal businesses, while employment gives these women more freedom than they would find in any other environment.

Forough’s campaign to raise money for Code to Inspire has already exceeded its goal and is ready to take the next steps towards a brighter future for Afghan wom-

en. Through Code to Inspire and other initiatives like it, Forough hopes to change the way Afghan-istan sees women in the fields of technology and education.

Crisis in Syria worsens during the search for a solutionBy Emma Veon ’17

Aptly christened “Syrian Ref-ugee Crisis” by the media, the mass exodus of frightened men, women, and children from Syria is arguably the most prominent issue in the world today. Con-stant news coverage has recently brought global attention to the situation in the Middle East, yet the turmoil in Syria and its neigh-boring countries continues to worsen.

During the spring of 2011, civil war divided the country. Peace-ful protesting against an oppres-sive government was met with brutality. The public responded with equal force, forming the Free Syrian Army by July of the same year. War quickly ravaged the country, leaving thousands of displaced Syrians to seek asylum in neighboring countries. Turkey and Iraq reluctantly accepted refugees, but the smaller, poorer countries of Jordan and Lebanon suffered the most from the rap-idly increasing number of foreign refugees crossing their borders.

Today, alarming statistics ex-pose a tragic situation. Since 2011, approximately 220,000 Syrians have been killed - half of whom are speculated to have been civilians - as a result of war in the country. According to the U.N. Refugee Agency, over four million Syrians are registered refugees. Of the four million reg-istered, 17.9% of the refugees are children under the age of five.

300,000 refugees have at-tempted to sail across the Medi-

terranean to Europe, but Melissa Fleming of the U.N. High Com-missioner on Refugees estimates that 2,500 perished during the journey. The most famous ex-ample of a failed oversea trip is Alan Kurdi, the Syrian boy who washed up on a Turkish beach in September 2015.

Global organizations are focusing their efforts toward building new refugee camps or

bettering preexisting ones, feed-ing and sheltering Syrians who reside outside of these camps, and ultimately solving the tremen-dous refugee crisis.

Good intentions are just in-tentions until put into action though, and these lofty ambi-tions cannot be carried out with-out massive funds. In Decem-ber 2014, the U.N. appealed to

national governments as well as to the public in general for $8.4 billion, but earlier this month the U.N. Refugee Agency reported that they have only received 40% of their $4.5 billion bid.

The World Food Program (WFP) was forced to exempt 360,000 refugees from receiving the benefits of their program and decrease rations for the 1.5 mil-lion that are still covered. Abeer

Etefa, member of the WFP, speaks a chilling truth: “Right now, it’s a maximum of $13 to $14 per per-son per month, that they receive in terms of food assistance. . . that’s less than 50 cents a day to eat and survive on.”

Families with little or no funds marry off daughters and send sons to work. Wealthy neigh-bors of Syria, including Qatar,

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have donated money to support the refugees. However, some of their offerings are comparatively low relative to the funds that each country boasts. To add insult to injury, none of these countries have accepted any refugees.

Western nations have funded the majority of relief efforts and have even made a noticeable im-

pact in sheltering displaced refu-gees. According to the U.N., the United States has donated 35% of aid funds. The United Kingdom and Kuwait are the second and third largest contributors, respec-tively.

Donations are extremely help-ful, but a haven for the displaced is paramount for the refugees. Germany continues to donate bil-

lions and is expected to take in 800,000 refugees by the end of this year. The United States has proven less willing to accommo-date the people they have donated so much money to help, boasting less than 1,500 refugees. Presi-dent Barack Obama has promised to welcome 10,000 Syrian refu-gees to the States, but not until 2016. French and British lead-ers also have pledged to accept 20,000 refugees over the next few years. Even Pope Francis has taken a stance on the issue. The pontiff promised to adopt refugee families and plans on bringing two families into the Vatican.

Reluctance to offer refuge to these fleeing Syrians is not un-founded. A serious and potential-ly deadly concern is that terrorists posing as refugees could infiltrate unassuming countries. Some re-ligious leaders refute the pope’s attestation that people worldwide should take in refugees, claiming that the risk is too great. Hun-garian bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo insists, “They’re not refugees. This is an invasion. They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”

Uncertainty concerning how to proceed has slowed action from able countries in the past, but as the magnitude of the crisis grows, the call to action has become too loud to ignore.

Reuters’ photographer Hosam Kotan captures a Syrian boy embracing his sister after she is rescued from the rubble.

Forough delivers a TED Talk in New York in October 2013 about the key role of education and the digital world for women in developing countries.

A young coder expresses her excitement for the Code to Inspire movement.

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arts & entertainmentPa g e 8 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Diliberto attends program in design at Carnegie Mellon

By Maeve McCormick ’18

Carnegie Mellon School of Design is home to one of the most prestigious indus-trial design programs in the country. With a total of only forty of the nation’s brightest students admitted to the program annually, it is no wonder why corporations such as Apple, Google and Yahoo select individu-als from this pool to grant jobs and intern-ships.

Each sum-mer, Carnegie Mellon runs an intensive pre-college pro-gram for high school students interested in pursuing a ca-reer in design. This summer, senior Franc-esca Diliberto was among those selected to attend.

“The appli-cation process took about a month to com-plete,” Dilib-erto said.

Much like a typical college application, the pre-college ap-plication included a series of written essays, a high school transcript and two teacher let-ters of recommendation.

After receiving the long-awaited accep-tance letter, Diliberto left Bucks County and began the six week-long program with a multitude of new experiences. There, she sutdied in an abundance of different classes including drawing, painting, printing, digi-tal photography, animation and sculpture. She had two, three-hour classes each day. After class and dinner, she would go back

to her dorm and do homeworkDuring the first three weeks, she majored

in industrial design and in communication design for the last three weeks.

Diliberto said, “Industrial design was my favorite because that’s what I’m going to go into as a career, and I got to work with an actual student who went to Carnegie Mellon and he was super cool. It was like a combi-nation of the sciences and the arts because

industrial design is innovating things that already exist to make a better design for better use.”

Diliberto com-pared Carnegie Mellon to Rhode Island School of Design, which she attended for a sum-mer program in the summer of 2014, by saying, “The previous sum-mer I went to an art school for the summer so I got a feel of what an art school would be like if I attended, but this was a uni-versity so that was different because I was friends with the academic peo-

ple as opposed to the arts... and you get to see the connection between all of them and how they all come together.”

When asked what she acquired through this program, Diliberto responded, “With more work for my portfolio.” She added that knowing that she will major in Human Computer Interactions, she gained “a bet-ter understanding as to how their mission of innovating the future can actually be ap-plied and how you can actually see it as a student.”

By Grace Sowa ’18

If you stalk Jules Kardish on Instagram on the daily like I do, you would know from her incredible artwork that she is ex-tremely talented.

This summer, in an effort to hone her talents even more, she took a one-week seminar at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Each morning of the seminar, she would get up, take a shut-tle to one of SCAD’s build-ings through-out the city of Savannah, and take her first class, fash-ion illustra-tion. After, she would move on to Digital Pho-tography. At night, students in the seminar pa r t ic ipa t e d in “camp ac-tivities” like movie night or Carnival night.

When asked why she chose to take the fashion illus-tration course, Jules responded, “I’ve always been inter-ested in fashion, but I never knew the ac-tual art process behind the whole industry. I wanted to learn more about fashion de-sign and merchandising because they are endeavors I would like to pursue in the fu-ture.”

The process of designing clothes would become something that she got to know very well over the week, as students were required to work with one theme (Jules’ was oceans) to create one set of two to four pieces. She also learned how to draw her

pieces on croquis, taking advantage of tex-ture and line.

Though Jules’ had taken photography classes before, she said she “still didn’t know too much about photography so I chose this class to learn more about how to use digital photography in an effective way and use programs like Photoshop and Lightroom.”

Throughout the week, she snapped pic-tures as she ex-pored Savannah and learned how to navigate edit-ing programs to manipulate and adjust her pic-tures.

Even though it was just one week, the semi-nar gave Jules great insight into college life, spe-cifically in an art college.

Jules said, “SCAD is a really cool college. It actually rents out chic apartments or rooms in reno-vated hotels as opposed to your

typical college dorm. I got to stay

in an old hotel and use the dorm room’s sketching table and easel instead of a clas-sic student desk. The experience definitely affirmed my passion for art. It was exciting to get a taste of what an art college was like instead of the typical college experience.”

Meeting people with similar career in-terests yet diverse, creative outlooks and working with the art professors already so involved in the specific industries were some of Jules’ greatest experiences, which she will take with her throughout her art career.

Kardish explores process of fashion illustration at SCAD

In “Go Set a Watchman,” Harper Lee challenges both Scout and the reader to love a flawed Atticus Finch

By Isobel Grogan ’17

This summer, Harper Lee re-leased her second novel, “Go Set a Watchman,” an anxiety-produc-ing follow-up to her tour de force, “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

The book entered the public world amid accusations of elder abuse and manipulation, not to mention the fear that a second novel would ruin Lee’s stellar lit-erary reputation. Although “Go Set a Watchman” has not served the purpose of disgrace, it has shocked the world with its new revelations concerning the char-acter of Atticus Finch, Scout’s father.

Those who have read “To Kill a Mockingbird” know that Atti-cus is held up as an ideal of his time: a man influenced only by justice and a man committed to the equality of all people. He is the hero of both Scout and read-ers. “Go Set a Watchman” shows

him to be disappointingly “of his time.” While retaining his belief in equality before the law and justice for the sake of justice, he displays his own circum-stantial narrow-minded-ness and racism.

The book shows the reader the absolute cor-ruption of an ideal: an Atticus who attends bigoted societal meet-ings and who gives his full attention to lectures about re-segregation and pamphlets about the thick skulls and shallow brain-pans of African-Americans. One could almost join Scout in her physical illness after witnessing her father’s fall from grace.

Some doubts remain as to whether Harper Lee was in full agreement on the release of this new book. Some members of the

MSJA community still remain undecided as to the legitimacy of Lee’s acquiescence in this pub-lication. Dr. Bernadette Balcer

admitted to ambivalence on the subject.

“The root of my unwillingness, or hesitation, in reading “Go Set a Watchman” lies in the fact that

I loved “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and I am not certain that “Watch-man” was ever meant to be pub-lished. . . .[Lee] always said she

had only one novel that she needed to write.”

Despite this con-troversy, a reader may take away many posi-tive things from reading “Go Set a Watchman.” Taken in a certain light, the novel demonstrates many of the nuances of the word “hero.” Scout’s ordeal is that she must learn to love her father in a new way, in spite of his character or in spite of her own ideals. Their transitioned relation-ship makes the reader

ask whether we chose to love and honor the whole of a person or just the parts we like. Many of us have heroes who, when carefully examined, would fall far short of

ideal humanity. We learn to rate our hero’s personhood and poten-tial above the flaws in his or her character.

In truth, the Atticus of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is the same Atti-cus who appears in “Watchman.” The public is mourning an ideal that it never really possessed. He is not here to be forgiven by the reader; he isn’t even asking for forgiveness. He will not change. As an old man, he is set in his ways.

In “Go Set a Watchman,” Harper Lee gives Scout a chal-lenge: to love Atticus despite what he turns out to be.

It may be that she extends the same challenge to us all.

Francesca Diliberto is no stranger to rigorous design programs. She attended a summer session at RISD last summer.

Julianna Kardish poses with some of her artwork from her week at SCAD.

Harper Lee’s second novel, “Go Set a Watchman,” presents a difficult read.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (9)

arts & entertainmentO c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 t h e c a m pa n i l e Pa g e 9

By Jacey Abdalla ’17

The American public took a huge blow last Feb-ruary when Jon Stewart announced the end of his reign as the host of “The Daily Show.”

After sixteen years, Stewart stepped down as host to pursue writing and directing. His last show aired on Aug. 6.

“It wasn’t an easy deci-sion,” said Stewart in an in-terview with The Guardian, “It’s not like a finger point-ed down at me from the sky saying, ‘Leave now!’”

Stewart offered lofty praise for his successor, South African comedian Trevor Noah, calling him “incredibly thoughtful, considerate and funny.”

In his Sept. 22 inter-view with Rolling Stone, Noah claimed, “The first episode will

be a reintroduction of the show… It takes more time. You’re build-

ing a relationship… [The first week] will set the tone for what

we hope the show will be.”Before Noah’s debut, skeptics

were concerned with Noah’s lack of knowledge of American poli-

tics, which has fueled the fire be-hind “The Daily Show” for years.

Posts on social media from as early as 2010 labeling him as transphobic, anti-Semitic, and misogynistic also resulted in violent ver-bal backlash from critics. Noah gracefully rectified his past using social media, but this time, to his advan-tage.

He tweeted: “To reduce my views to a handful of jokes that didn’t land is not a true reflection of my char-acter, nor my evolution as a comedian.”

While critics focus on Trevor Noah’s faults, fel-low comedians and talk-show hosts compliment his talent. To dedicated John Stewart fans, Noah prom-ises, “Nothing has changed; it’s still ‘The Daily Show.’”

By Meredith Mayes ’17

On Sept. 8, Stephen Colbert kicked off his brand new show with chanting fans, high kicks and “the world’s funkiest ice cream truck” music.

Until this year, David Letter-man had hosted “The Late Show” since 1993. Let-terman was and still is a comedy legend. Colbert’s show centers around political and skit comedy. By interview-ing celebrities and politicians, Colbert hopes to mock society’s mistakes and en-tertain viewers.

Colbert hon-ored Letter-man’s legendary stage manager, Biff Henderson, with a salute and a joke before turning to “The Big Man,” him-self.

“I bow to no man, my fan-dom of David Letterman. I am a first generation Letterman fan. I started college the same year Dave started “Late Night,” and not having the fullest social cal-endar, I was frequently available to Dave at 12:30.”

As the crowd chuckled Colbert continued, “So just for the record, I am not replacing David Letter-man. His creative legacy is a high pencil mark on a doorframe that

we all have to measure ourselves against. But we will try to honor his achievement by doing the best show we can and, occasionally, making the network very mad at us.”

Colbert repeatedly compli-mented and introduced his new house band, Stay Human. The

New Orleans natives brought a fresh, bouncy, and soulful air to the otherwise comedic and sa-tirical stage. Colbert jokingly and endearingly compared Stay Hu-man to “the world’s funkiest ice cream truck.”

Colbert’s first guest of the night was George Clooney. After a discussion and showing of foot-age from a make believe movie, Jeb Bush came to the stage. With

Jeb, Colbert quickly returned to his political humor in a fashion that pleased all of his loyal fans. Since the first show, Colbert has gone on to interview stars such as Emily Blunt, Jake Gyllenhaal and Kevin Spacey.

When it comes to the question of how Colbert’s new show will

do in the eyes of the public, there are mixed feelings. Any of Col-bert’s loyal fans from his previous show, “The Colbert Report,” are likely to continue to tune in every weeknight at 11:35. Previous fans of David Letterman, however, are faced with a difficult choice. Can they see Colbert for his own hu-mor as a successful host? Or will they constantly be comparing Colbert to his legendary prede-

cessor? If they can get past their Letterman withdrawal, they will find little to no chance of disap-pointment.

Future success of the show ap-pears to be slightly less daunt-ing than that of NBC’s “Tonight Show” when the hosts switched because unlike the “Tonight

Show,” “The Late Show” does not have a long run-ning list of unachievable precedents, such as John-ny Carson, Jay Leno and Jimmy Fal-lon.

Created by David Let-termen, “The Late Show” simply plans on continuing the comedic talk show en-v i r o n m e n t . In no way is Colbert at-tempting to replace Let-termen, but

simply to add his own story and spin on the satirical late night talk show.

With that, the rest of the com-edy community and adoring fans bid farewell to David Letterman and hello to Stephen Colbert.

Stephen Colbert salutes Letterman and fans nationwide in his debut on “The Late Show.”

“Late Show” welcomes Colbert

Noah Takes “The Daily Show”

Trevor Noah takes over Jon Stewart’s famous “Daily Show” role.

Other late night shows to watch:The Tonight Show: Host: Jimmy Fallon Network: NBC When: Weeknights Time: 11:35 p.m.

Late Night: Host: Seth Meyers Network: NBC When: Weeknights Time: 12:35 p.m.

Jimmy Kimmel Live!: Host: Jimmy Kimmel Network: ABC When: Weeknights Time: 11:35 p.m.

Conan: Host: Conan O’Brian Network: TBS When: Weeknights Time: 11:00 p.m.

Saturday Night Live: Host: Celebrity guests Network: NBC When: Saturday Time: 11:30 p.m.

Last Week Tonight: Host: John Oliver Network: NBC When: Sunday Time: 11:00 p.m.

The Nightly Show: Host: Larry Wilmore Network: CC When: Weeknights Time: 11:30 p.m.

Watch What Happens Live: Host: Andy Cohen Network: Bravo When: Sun. – Thurs Time: 11:00 p.m.

Last Call: Host: Carson Daly Network: NBC When: Weeknights Time: 1:35 a.m.

The Late Late Show: Host: James Gordon Network: CBS When: Weeknights Time: 11:37 p.m.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (10)

LifestylesPa g e 1 0 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

By Frances Fiorella ’17 and Tess Worthington ’17

The Manayunk strEAT food festival took place on Sept. 18 along Main Street. The festival showcased over 50 of Philly’s best food trucks and vendors! The trucks ranged from spicy Mexi-can cuisine to sweet desserts. Al-though there was an overwhelm-ing number of delicious choices, we narrowed down the list to our personal favorites. Here are some of the best trucks and vendors in Philly.

1. Where: Zsa’s at farmer’s markets, events, and co-ops in the Philadelphia area

What: Double Chocolate Cookie Sandwich

Our verdict: Zsa’s ice cream creates homemade ice cream sandwiches that taste even more delicious than they sound. I chose to try the double chocolate cook-ie sandwich, better described as a frozen Oreo. The delicious treat was composed of creamy vanilla ice cream surrounded by two Oreo-type cookies and cov-ered with Oreo crumbs. The most intriguing aspect of the sand-wich was its consistency. The ice cream sandwich was a mess-free treat; the ice cream was neither melty nor rock solid. It was per-fect. If you are not an Oreo fan, do not fret, for there are multiple flavors to chose from including chocolate peanut butter, oatmeal raisin and even pumpkin spice! If you’re looking for a delicious, cold treat, stop by a location that offers Zsa’s!

2. Where: The Spot located on Drexel University’s campus at 33rd & Arch Streets

What: The Spot Burger (cheese whiz, bacon, fried onions)

Our verdict: To say I have tried countless burgers in my life-time would be a colossal under-statement. I am not exaggerating when I say that this bacon cheese-burger from Spot Burgers was not only the best cheeseburger I have ever tasted, but also the best food I have ever tasted. In my opin-ion, the bun makes the burger. At Spot, the bun was fresh, soft and flavorful without being ex-cessively thick or doughy as to take away from the main event: the meat. Perfectly cooked, the medium-well burger was juicy and delicious. Topped with crisp bacon, melted cheese and fried onions, the Spot Burger was a work of art. I recommend this burger to anyone who finds her-self around the Drexel campus or at one of the many events that the Spot Burger food truck ca-ters, such as the Manayunk Streat Semi-Annual Food Festival.

3. Where: Philly Fry Food Truck

What: Tex Mex Fries Our verdict: Welcome to

Philadelphia, where you can find a food truck dedicated entirely to french fries. While one may as-sume that a food truck offering strictly French fries would pro-vide a limited menu, Philly Fry actually offers a wide array of unique menu items including cus-tomized options. At the Mana-yunk food festival, I tried the Tex Mex fries. The concoction consisted of waffle fries, chipotle ranch sauce, chicken, bacon and cheese. In my opinion, the waffle

fries themselves were absolutely mouthwatering, but the chipotle ranch sauce–in which the waffle fries were drowned–was not a welcome addition. The Tex Mex fries would have been perfect if it were not for the chipotle ranch sauce, as the chicken, bacon and cheese were all as delicious as the waffle fries. If the Tex Mex option does not sound appealing, have no fear: There are TWEN-TY options on Philly Fry’s regu-lar menu including vegan choices and a dessert selection. If the regular menu does not spark your interest, Philly Fry is also willing to customize french fry orders.

To check out Philly Fry, follow them on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and see what event they will be catering next!

4. Where: Calle del SaborWhat: Chicken tacos topped

with lettuce, pico de gallo, sour cream, cotija cheese, cilantro and avocado

Our verdict: Mexican cusine is HUGE right now. Chipotle and Qdoba may have sparked this trend, but tacos, burritos and guac can now be found at almost every

corner in Philly. The Manayunk food festival was home to numer-ous Mexican food trucks includ-ing Calle Del Sabor. Calle’s menu varies from Korean pork tacos to s’mores empanadas. I ordered the classic chicken tacos with all the fixings. The tacos were some of the best I’ve had (and trust me, I have tried a lot of tacos). The chicken is cooked right in front of Calle’s customers and all the toppings are fresh and flavorful. If you’re craving something spicy and satisfying without break-ing the bank, I would definitely recommend the 3 tacos for $7 at Calle Del Sabor, located in Pow-

elton Village.

5. Where: Kono’s Pizza Cones located in Edison, New Jersey

What: Traditional Pizza Cone Our Verdict: Have you ever

seen a more delicious looking piece of pizza in your life? The latest and greatest pizza inven-tion comes in the shape of a cone! After much anticipation and wait-ing, the cone certainly did not disappoint. Warm and crispy on the outside while savory and goo-ey on the inside, the pizza cone

is everything you could imagine. Is plain pizza not enough? Kono’s also offers a pepperoni, a chick-en parmesan or even a cannoli cone! Although Kono’s does not currently have a Philly location, they are hoping to expand and are always catering at events like the Manayunk StrEAT Festival. Follow them on Instagram to find out which events they’ll be cater-ing next.

6. Where: Say Cheese at Love

Park, Temple at 33rd and Norris, and Drexel at 33rd and Arch

What: Short Rib Grilled

Cheese Our Verdict: Say Cheese, a

food truck filled with a variety of cheesy foods, is any cheese lov-er’s dream. From fried mac and cheese balls to gourmet grilled cheeses, Say Cheese has a huge variety of options. I decided to try the short rib grilled cheese which included fontina cheese, short rib, fried onions and chopped green apples. Although this may seem like a strange combination, the sandwich was one of the most delicious sandwiches I have ever tasted. Grilled to perfection, it contained sweet and savory fla-vors that were very compatible. With that said, if you are crav-ing a cheesy snack, I would sug-gest choosing something differ-ent from their menu because the short rib grilled cheese was not a super cheesy choice.

7. Where: Milk + Sugar on 38th and Walnut in University City

What: Variety of Cupcakes Verdict: Cupcakes and cook-

ies and brownies, oh my! If you’re looking for a truck to satisfy your sweet tooth, Milk + Sugar is your spot. There were tons of different cupcake trucks to choose from, but I heard about Milk + Sugar on the news, so I knew I had to try their treats! After browsing through all of my options, I chose to try each one of their cupcakes. From caramel apple pie to double chocolate Nutella, each cupcake was amazing. They were all very moist, and the icing was fluffy and light. After tasting samples of each one, I was happy that I wasn’t put into a food coma. The desserts were not too dense or filling. I would definitely recom-mend any of their cupcakes, and I’m sure that their other desserts are just as delicious!

8. Where: Little Baby’s at their headquarters on Frankford Ave. and at their other storefront on Catherine Street in Cedar Park.

What: Birch Beer Vanilla Ice Cream

Our Verdict: Have you ever heard of ice cream flavors like everything bagel or earl grey Sriracha? These were two of the flavors displayed on Little Baby’s ice cream cart. Although I tried these exotic flavors, I chose the most normal flavor from the list, birch beer vanilla. The ice cream was so refreshing and different. Somehow they were able to keep it creamy yet satisfying all in one. As for the other two flavors that I tried, I would not suggest them unless you’re a super adventurous eater. In my opinion, both flavors had interesting tastes, but I don’t think I could’ve eaten an entire serving. Although only six flavors were offered at their cart, if you take a trip to their storefronts, over 30 flavors and 20 seasonal flavors are offered to satisfy your tastebuds!

Food trucks take Manayunk

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (11)


By Amanda Mooney ’17 and Kristen Bahr ’17

As the crisp autumn weath-er moves in, many of us begin reminiscing about those summer days spent by the ocean. Unfor-tunately, we have roughly eight more months of school to power through until summer vacation. Imagining yourself reclining by the sea, feet burrowed in the sand, can bring relief, if only tem-porary, to a stressful day.

Maddy Sasso, alumna (’07) and rising fashion designer, knows the feeling. Spending her summers in Avalon, New Jersey, Maddy understands the dread of saying goodbye to the shore at the end of the season.

“To say it [the Jersey Shore] is my happy place is just the biggest understatement,” said Maddy during our interview.

This is why her “up and com-ing” fashion company, Pinkly Perfect, is designed to incorporate the sensation of summer in all of its pieces, simulating a carefree lifestyle year-round. Why spend your time sulking over the end of summer when you can go out and buy an adorable new outfit to fill the void in your heart?

“I knew I was always going to do fashion design,” said Sasso about her childhood dream job. She didn’t realize until much later, however, that tying together her two favorite things - fashion and the shore - would create the perfect clothing line. At age 14, Maddy designed her own eighth grade graduation gown. On top of all of her schoolwork at the Mount, Maddy took time to take

fashion design classes outside of school. She then made her own junior prom dress. After major-ing in fashion design at Marist College, Maddy moved to New York City and began working for Donna Morgan as a design as-sistant. With her new career and chaotic schedule, Maddy found

herself missing the relaxation of the Jersey shore. This longing for the beach sparked an idea for a fashion company- Pinkly Perfect.

Maddy sacrificed a lot in order to pursue her company. After four years of working as a fashion de-signer for two major companies, she left her job to focus on what was at the time her side project-Pinkly Perfect.

“Of course I did that, of course I put my goals first,” said Maddy

of her decision. Designing out of her New York City apartment, Maddy felt her life getting a bit hectic at times. While working on her budding business, Maddy attended night classes at The Fashion Institute of Technology. Giving up an income while still paying for college sounds intimi-

dating to the aver-age girl, but Mad-dy Sasso’s passion for design enabled her to push for-ward. Maddy ad-mits that starting a company can be overwhelming, but it is worth it. “Like evrything, it’s crazy,” said Sasso. Her fa-vorite part about pursuing her own corporation is the control she has over the business.

Maddy ad-mits, “it’s difficult having to justify your decisions to other people and take the back seat

to another idea. Working as your

own boss enables you to take responsibility for your own mis-takes and correct them.”

This is just the beginning for Pinkly Perfect. With the launch of her fashion line in spring of 2016, Maddy plans to bring in interns to help with the steadily growing workload. Life as an en-trepreneur isn’t as easy as “One Tree Hill’s” Brooke Davis makes it out to be. Running the company on her own, Maddy is responsible

for hiring lawyers, accountants, web designers and freelance writ-ers for her blog. Maddy admits to pulling all-nighters in order to keep up with the workload. She handles her company’s fi-nances and recently trademarked the brand name Pinkly Perfect in both the United States and abroad.

Maddy’s spring line will be carrying beach sweatshirts, tees, tanks, leggings, shorts, towels and tote bags, but tank tops and beach towels are just the begin-ning for Pinkly Perfect. Maddy aspires to expand her company to include self-tanning lotion, beach waving hairspray, and nail pol-ish that promises to hold its own against the ocean and sand. She plans on selling her products to retail stores for now, but hopes to open her own store in the fu-ture. Maddy’s ultimate goal is to provide teenage girls with com-fortable, affordable clothing that creates the feeling of the beach no matter what time of year it is.

Maddy’s advice for Mounties looking to run their own business is, “do it, absolutely don’t wait. If you want to start your own busi-ness, nobody else is going to start it for you but yourself. It’s never going to be easier than it is now.”

Sasso said, “I learned more in the past few months than I did all four years of working as a fashion designer in New York.”

Find Maddy on her social me-dia sites: @pinklyperfect_inc and

Sasso wears her own cre-ation to senior prom.

Sasso launches clothing line

Sasso poses by the beach.

Sasso shows off her own design at her graduation.

by Callie Shinkle ’17

After 12 years, former super-model Tyra Banks has announced that season 22 of her hit television show “America’s Next Top Mod-el” will be its last.

Tyra posted on Twitter to share the news, say-ing that she is “SO proud of what Top Model has done.”

The show first aired in 2003 and quickly be-came one of United Par-amount Network’s top rated shows. It continued to increase in popular-ity throughout the early 2000s, with viewer to-tals skyrocketing to 5.12 million. Eventually broadcasted in over 170 countries, the show has inspired a plethora of modeling shows across the globe.

“America’s Next Top Model” has brought in many prominent members of the fashion industry to judge over the years, including

Twiggy, Janice Dickinson and Ni-gel Barker, which only served to add to its credibility.

Former contestants have gone on from the show to model for Ralph Lauren, Nicole Miller,

Valentine, Sephora, and Macy’s, speading the “America’s Next Top Model” lable even further. The franchise has also kick-started the careers of contestants

off the runway. Past participants of the show have secured minor roles in shows such as “Gossip Girl,” “One Tree Hill,” “Hannah Montana,”and even “Law and Or-der.”

“America’s Next Top Model” found-er, Tyra Banks, emerged as a role model for people everywhere.Banks proved that models do have brains by becoming a suc-cessful entrepre-neur.

America’s Next Top Model aired for over 20 seasons and has had a mas-sive following. Af-ter over 12 years of fierce competition and thousands of beautiful photo-

shoots, the show will be conclud-ing. In the words of Mark Pedow-itz, “America’s Next Top Model became not just a ratings hit, but a global phenomenon.”

Banks says goodbye to “ANTM’s” final seasonDo wish you could be on the

runway? Take this quiz to find out which model is just like you! Give yourself 3 points for each “A,” 2 points for each “B,” and 1 point for each “C.”

1. A makeup brand offers you a modeling contract. Which is it?

A. My own, of course!B. L’OrealC. Maybelline

2. What was your first “big break?”

A. I was on the cover of Seven-teen magazine.

B. I starred in a runway show during New York Fashion Week.

C. I’ve been a model since age 2 - I was born for this!

3. Do you have any additional talents?

A. Everything - I’m unstop-pable!

B. I’m a ballerina, Nutcracker and all!

C. I’m an actress - the camera loves me!

4. Pick a quote.A. “Never dull your shine for

somebody else.”B. “Girls are stronger in num-

bers.”C. “I always try and send out

a tweet when my friend is doing something cool.”

5. What is your dream house like?

A. A Beverly Hills mansionB. A townhouse in ManhattanC. Upscale apartment in NYC

11-15 Tyra BanksYou are fierce and you own it!

Sassy and independent, you are not afraid to say what you think.

6-10 Karlie KlossYou know exactly what you

want and how to get it. You’re not afraid to create your own destiny, and you have your own distinct style.

0-5 Gigi HadidDown-to-earth and sen-

sible, you are confident in your strengths and abilities. You go, girl!

Which famous model are you?

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (12)

Physical sciencepa g e 1 2 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Kaitlyn Loftus ’13 interns with NASA By Callie Shinkle ’17

Mount alumna Kaitlyn Loftus recently completed an internship with NASA and the Johns Hop-kins Applied Physics Lab.

Kait graduated from the Mount in 2013 and is currently a junior at Columbia, where she studies theoretical physics, English and math.

After applying online, send-ing in transcripts and letters of recommendation from our very own Ms. Leonard, and surviving a phone interview, Kait learned that she would spend the summer working in a group at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, or APL. APL is a not-for-profit research center initially created during World War II that is now a government contractor for the United States Department of De-fense and for NASA. After play-ing a vital role in the Allies’ vic-tory by developing the variable time proximity fuze, a device that increased the accuracy of anti-aircraft guns, APL grew to be-come an important player in the

development of military innova-tions and spacecraft.

Kait’s internship was with a project that involves a collaboration between NASA and APL and con-nects physicists with com-puter programmers. Kait worked mainly with phys-ics or math PhDs who now focus on programming but have strong science back-grounds. Kait was one of only three women out of forty team members to work on her project.

Kait and her team mem-bers worked on a project involving data from the Cassini mission to Saturn. Cassini-Huygens is an un-manned spacecraft that is the fourth space probe to visit Saturn but the first to enter its orbit. Launched on Oct. 15, 1997, Cassini has been orbiting Saturn since July 2004. During her time at APL, Kait worked main-ly with plasma transport around Saturn.

Kait learned a lot at her intern-ship, saying she “had zero clue

[about plasma physics] heading into the summer despite [read-

ing] many Wikipedia ar-ticles.”

In addition to her re-search, Kait says she spent a lot of time coding in Python, a high level programming language. She also worked to create graphs and gifs of 3-D graphs.

During her internship, Kait not only researched, coded and graphed, but she also had many amaz-ing, once in a lifetime experiences. Kaitlyn met many successful and in-spiring scientists, includ-ing Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Because APL has the mission control for the New Horizons space-craft, which had the clos-est approach to Pluto ever in July, Kait was one of the first people to see hu-mankind’s first real look at Pluto, a sight she will

never forget.Kait and her work this past

summer demonstrate that no matter what prior experience you have, with hard work you can become a part of something amazing. Kait said she learned so much that cannot be taught in a classroom during her time at APL, including programming, plasma physics and the teamwork required for space research.

After she graduates college, Kait is not sure what career path she would like to take. She is in-terested in working for Amazon, owning a library, becoming an ancient Roman historian or work-ing for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab.

Although she is not sure which direction she will go, whatever Kaitlyn Loftus does, she is sure to be successful.

By Callie Shinkle ’17

Imagine spending 365 days in-side a 20-foot dome located on a rocky, dormant volcano in Hawaii.

Recently, six scientists volun-teered to do just that and became part of the longest US i s o l a t i o n experiment ever, the Ha-waii Space E x p l o r a -tion Analog and Simu-lation, or H I - SE AS. N A S A hopes that this experi-ment will help prepare for a poten-tial mission to Mars.

Consist-ing of an as-trobiologist, a physicist, a pilot, an architect, a doctor/journalist and a soil sci-entist, the diverse crew has mem-bers from America, Germany and France. They are currently living on the barren slope of Mauna Loa, a place with virtually no wildlife that mimics the conditions on Mars. Each member of the crew has his or her own small room in-side the dome with space only for a cot and a desk. With limited in-ternet access, no fresh food, small living quarters, no privacy and a required spacesuit to venture outside, the scientists are testing

how the human body reacts to general boredom and isolation.

When asked why she would en-dure such conditions for an entire year, crew member Sheyna Gif-ford said she wanted “to change the world by making it possible

for people to leave it at will.”The crew members pass the

time by working out in the small exercise room, concocting new meals out of the pre-prepared food, growing vegetables such as lettuce, radishes, peas and cherry tomatoes under electri-cal lighting, making podcasts, designing and printing tools us-ing a 3-D printer, taking walks outside wearing spacesuits, having karaoke contests and playing pranks on each other.

However, this life-changing experiment does come at a cost.

Kim Binsted, principle investi-gator for the experiment, says that the 1.2 million dollar price tag is actually very cheap for such an important experiment.

She commented, “It is really in-expensive compared to the cost of

a space mis-sion gone w r o n g . ”

C r e w -m e m b e r s say that in-terpersonal c o n f l i c t s are inevita-ble when a small group of people is living to-gether in a small space for such a long du-ration of time, but hope that the mission will, “help

people be resilient so they re-spond well to the problems and can resolve them and continue to perform well as a team.”

The six scientists are most ex-cited about playing a role in reset-ting the human boundary.

Sheyna Gifford, the health sci-ence officer and journalist of the team wrote, “In less than a gener-ation, if we set our minds to it, we will be packing a group of people off to the fourth planet from the sun.”

By Callie Shinkle ‘17

On Sept. 28, scientists con-firmed findings of liquid water on Mars. The discovery has boosted hopes of the existence of life in the harsh environment.

The potentially life-sustaining water itself does not give evi-dence of life, but, in the words of John Grunsfeld, the associate ad-ministrator for the Science Mis-sion Directorate at NASA, “The existence of liquid water, even if it is super salty briny water, gives the possibility that if there’s life on Mars, that we have a way to describe how it might survive.”

NASA researchers confirmed the water flows by using an im-ager on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Where the water came from remains a mystery for scien-tists, and scientists hope to begin a new set of investigations into the matter.

This is not the first dis-

covery of water on Mars. For many years, researchers have known that Mars has frozen water at its poles.

Similarly, this is not the first sign of life on the red planet. The Mars Curiosity Rover recently found methane on the surface of Mars, suggesting either past or present life.

Although many doubt the exis-tence of life beyond Earth, Alfred McEwen, a NASA researcher and professor at the University of Arizona, believes that it is only a matter of time until scientists dis-cover life on Mars. He says, “It’s very likely, I think, that there are microbes somewhere in the crust of Mars.”

Whether the discovery of liq-uid water proves to contribute to the effort to find life on Mars, this breakthrough undoubtedly boosts the hopes of human travel to the planet and will be a celebrated revelation in space science.

NASA finds water on Mars

Diverse crew simulates conditions for life on Mars

Crew Member Sheyna Gifford explores the area outside of the Dome.

Kait Loftus ’13 poses at a celebratory din-ner at the end of her NASA internship.

Scientists find iquid water on Mars, the planet.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (13)

Science/medicine O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 t h e c a m pa n i l e pa g e 1 3

Human ancestor unearthed in South African cave hailed as revolutionary discovery

By Laura Santori ’17

A recent discovery during an expedition in the Rising Star Cave, located in South Africa, may shed light on the origins of humans. The leader of this expe-dition, Lee Berger, is a research professor at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johan-nesburg, South Africa. Berger and his team discovered over 1,500 fossils of a new species, “hom*o naledi,” which scientists are now classifying as one of the most primitive members of the “hom*o” genus.

Originally thought of as closer relatives to primates, the “hom*o naledi” fossils also display uniquely human characteristics. “hom*o naledi” stands approxi-mately five feet tall and weighs a hundred pounds, with a skull half the size of a modern human’s. While the hand fossils show these hominins’ bodies were designed for climbing, similar to primates,

the foot fossils are nearly identi-cal to humans’ feet, suggesting the “hom*o naledi” could walk for long distances.

Scientists also believe the cave is a burial chamber, and bury-ing one’s dead is a characteris-tic exclusive to humans. So far, scientists have identified fifteen individuals, ranging from infants to the elderly, and a lack of bone damage strongly supports that

the cavern is a burial chamber.The secluded location of the

cave proved to be a challenge for the scientists recovering the fos-sils. The particular cavern where the “hom*o naledi” rest is acces-sible only though a seven-inch opening, and none of the team members could fit through the passage.

On social media, Berger called for any petite, experienced sci-

entists who would be willing to explore the cave’s narrow chute. Six female scientists answered this call and were nicknamed the “underground astronauts.” Bravely traversing the cave’s dangerous interior, these women discovered the cavern containing hundreds of new fossils. Marina Elliott, one of the underground astronauts, described her expe-rience as “some of the most dif-ficult and dangerous conditions ever encountered in the search for human origins.”

The entirety of the Rising Star Cave has yet to be explored, and in the coming years scientists are sure to develop further rev-elations on this subject. The dis-covery of “hom*o naledi” marks a revolutionary moment in the quest to explain the missing link in human evolution—if a new species of human were discovered through the ex-ploration of a tiny crevice, what other secrets of our ancestry are waiting to be discovered?

Senior Taylor Grey interns at University of Pennsylvania Neuropathology Laboratory

By Katie Zimmerman ’16

This past summer, senior Tay-lor Grey earned an exciting op-portunity to work as an intern in the Neuropathology Lab at the University of Pennsylvania.

Grey applied for the position after her neighbor, an employee of the university, sugested the sum-mer experience to her. After sending in references and her impressive re-sume, Grey was granted the intern-ship. She worked at the lab every day for six weeks, usu-ally staying from approximately 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. each day.

The lab Grey worked in focuses on researching the DNA-binding protein TDP-43. Mutations of this gene are theo-rized to cause the development of Amyotrophic Lat-eral Sclerosis (ALS) and Fron-totemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD), neurodegenerative dis-eases.

Grey’s responsibilities varied from day to day, but some of her exciting moments included han-dling a human brain and HeLa cells.

Of her experience working with a brain, Grey said, “It was really bizarre. The doctor I was

interning for worked at the brain bank at the university, and one day he brought me along to cut brains for research purposes. He said, ‘Taylor, how about you give it a try?’”

Later, she got to slice a brain of someone with hydrocephalus, which is a condition involving a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Grey also got to work

with HeLa cells, which is an im-mortal cell line that has grown from the tumor of a woman named Henrietta Lacks, who died of cancer in 1951. Grey says that the cells grew extremely fast, and she would have to split the cells every couple of days so they could continue to grow.

A typical day for Grey in-volved taking the train into the city around 8 in the morning,

then taking a bus from the train station to the lab, and arriving at the lab between 9:45 and 10. Upon her arrival at the lab, the researchers would give Grey a brief overview of what specifi-cally they were working on for the day. The first task was usually to check on any experiments that had been sitting out overnight. Grey would then spend the rest

of her morning either shadow-ing researchers or doing some lab work herself. After her lunch break, Grey got to pursue other interests.

She said, “I’m really interest-ed in coding, so the lab person-nel were nice enough to set up projects using Perl and R, two programming languages. They had me align some of their data with the Human Genome Project,

which was really cool.” Around 3:30, she would catch the train home.

Grey said she ultimately took a lot away from her summer experience. Academically, her hands-on involvement helped clarify a lot of topics she learned in biology last year and put what she learned into perspective. She also feels that many of the

new things she learned will help to put her ahead of the curve for her AP Biology class this year, especially in the genetics and neu-rology sections.

The most im-portant aspect of her experience, however, was learning how to figure things out for herself. Grey said that she was often given scholarly articles to read about re-search done at

the lab, many of which were ex-

tremely confusing and dealt with topics she had not learned about yet.

Of this aspect, Grey said, “The researchers didn’t hold my hand through any of the pro-cesses; I was totally immersed. Although it was confusing, I ultimately learned a lot by read-ing the articles and through the whole experience in general.”

The skull and hand bone of “hom*o naledi.”

Senior Taylor Grey worked in a lab this summer that explored the link between the protein TDP-43 and certain neurodegenerative diseases.

Trick your brain into happinessBy Sarah Haurin ’16

A UCLA neuroscience re-searcher shares his exper-tise on ways we can boost our happiness.

1. Ask yourself, “What am I grateful for?”In the brain, gratitude acts in a similar way to certain antidepressants, boosting levels of dopamine and serotonin, the “happy” neurotransmitters.

2. Identify your emo-tions.Putting a label on what you are feeling increases activity of the prefrontal cortex, the center for deci-sion making, while reduc-ing activity in the amyg-dala, an emotional center of the brain.

3. Make a decision.Planning and decision making activate your prefrontal cortex, which in turn decreases anxi-ety. By making a “good enough” decision and forgoing searching for the perfect decision, you feel more in control, re-ducing feelings of stress.

4. Hug someone you love.Your brain reacts to rejection the same way it would to physical pain. Touching another per-son can help counteract this pain by releasing another happy hormone, oxytocin.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (14)

Sportspa g e 1 4 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Women’s World Cup win overshadowed by pay gap

by Sarah Rothenberg ’17 With a third place standing

and a 4-1 record in league play, Mount Volleyball players are confident this is the year they can win their first league champion-ship since 2012.

Coach George Trabosh is de-pending on se-nior captains Katie Strosser, Katie de Luca and Monica Goebel to lead the team to this goal.

The team was schedueled to play in the AACA Cham-pionship on Wednesday, Oct. 21, when the Campanile went to press.

After a tough first loss to their biggest competi-tor, Villa Maria, the team was looking to come back with a ven-geance.

de Luca said, “Villa is al-ways a tough competitor for us. We hope to face them again in a post-season match and take the W this time, just like we did 3 years ago [my freshman year].”

The Mount got its chance to make a comeback on Sept. 30. Since the defeat to Villa, the Magic has been on a winning

streak, including a pivotal victory against huge rival, Gwynedd. To get the win in five long, intense matches, the Mount needed ev-erything to go right for them. Monica Goebel describes the game as especially tough since Gwynedd had home court advan-

tage. “When it came to the 5th

match, we were exhausted but so high on adrenaline that we were going crazy. It was such a close game that every single point mat-tered, so it was important to move on and learn quickly from any

mistakes we made. We saw how well we can play together when we’re motivated and have a lot of energy, and I think that will help us against the better teams in the league,” said Goebel of the game.

The team is carrying the exu-berance this win gave them to

the remaining games of the season.

With only three seniors, Mount is relying heavily on its younger players. With this being many girls’ first year on varsity, preseason was key to building team unity and confidence. The captains believe that the lessons first learned in preseason and now in the regu-lar season have served as a good learning expe-rience for the younger girls.

The leader-ship skills the-ses players are developing now will help the team in years

to come. The Magic is becoming smart-

er and stronger with every game and has potential to be the best team in the league and win that championship.

Volleyball sets up for ambitious postseason with decisive wins

by Regan Fitzgerald ’17

The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team’s World Cup victory was an historic moment in all of sports, male or female.

For the first time in over a de-cade, women’s sports were the main topic around the world. Although there was a great deal of initial excitement surrounding the team’s victory, it was over-shadowed by the outrageous pay gap between the prize money for the Women’s World Cup and the Men’s World Cup.

FIFA awarded the United States women $2 million dollars for their victory. Germany, the winner of the 2014 men’s tour-nament, took home $35 million. The United States men’s team took home $8 million dollars af-ter being eliminated in the round of sixteen.

FIFA spent $12 million more on its film “United Passions” than it did on all prize money for Women’s teams at the tour-nament. It is worth noting that “United Passions,” the $27 mil-lion movie, grossed $918 in the

United States. Supporters of FIFA point out

that the men’s tournament made more than the women’s, so it is only fair that the men be awarded

more. Most people can agree on this, but the disparity between the two numbers is unnecessarily staggering.

Unfortunately, the wage gap is

not an isolated incident of FIFA’s slighting the women’s teams. Be-fore the tournament even began, there was controversy over the field conditions. FIFA forced the

Women’s World Cup to be played on artificial turf fields, which dramatically increases the risk of injury. Women’s teams were also required to stay in the same hotels as opposing teams. It is hard to imagine the men’s teams would ever have to deal with arti-ficial turf or shared hotels.

These issues combined with the whopping $33 million pay gap between both tournaments’ winners demonstrates that equal-ity in sports still has a long way to go.

Judging from the television rat-ings and crowds drawn, a lack of public interest in the women is not a justifiable excuse for FIFA’s actions. Perhaps the men’s teams earning more than the women’s is understandable and fair, but the overwhelming magnitude of the gap is not.

Carli Lloyd and the rest of the United States Women’s Na-tional Team brought excitement and entertainment to fans across the country this past summer, and hopefully the public outrage over their treatment will inspire change.

The U.S. women’s team celebrates their win over Japan in the 2015 World Cup finals.

Captains Monica Goebel, Katie Strosser and Katie de Luca celebrate senior day in style.

Eble races on the CharlesBy Stephanie Eble ’15

Just two months after compet-ing in my last race for the Mount, I began my journey as a student-athlete at Harvard University. The Harvard-Radcliffe Women’s Crew team, affectionately known as “Rad Crew,” is everything you would expect from a Division I athletic program—the training is intense, the time commitment is immense and the expectations during each training session are high.

Beginning this new endeavor as a student-athlete was not easy. The transition to college life with the added workload for rowing was a big step up in every aspect of life. But now, just one month into college, I realize that the foundation of dedication and de-termination that I developed at the Mount has prepared me great-ly for these new experiences.

Oct. 17-18 marked the 51st an-nual Head of the Charles Regatta, one of the largest regattas in the world. While I had raced the re-gatta three times as a member of Mount’s crew team, the race took on new meaning this year, as my team practices on the Charles River, on the racecourse for Head of the Charles, every day. While I was sad to no longer be racing

in the purple Mount Crew boats and unis, I was honored to don the black and white of Rad Crew, and I was especially lucky to do so as a freshman.

When the coaches began to choose which girls would race in which boats for Head of the Charles, I was in the mix to be chosen to race. I remembered back to my experiences at Mount Crew, when a single practice or piece could determine in which boat you would race. I was re-minded of the two biggest lessons I learned from Mount Crew—be consistent and never give up.

As selection continued, I re-mained consistent in my perfor-mance and was determined to succeed. I earned a seat in one of the Radcliffe boats in the Cham-pionship 8 event and raced jus two hours after the Mount boats saw great success in the Youth 8.

As I crossed the finish line, I caught a glimpse of the purple boats on the Mount’s trailer. I remembered the many lessons I learned at Mount Crew which I continue to apply to my life every day, both in and out of the boat-house. I may no longer wear the purple and gold, but I cherish the values and lessons learned during my time at the Mount.

Steph Eble ’15 earns a spot on Rad Crew as a freshman, an extraordinary accomplishment.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (15)

sportsO c t o b e r 2 0 1 5 t h e c a m pa n i l e Pa g e 1 5

Soccer kicks off a successful season

Cross Country strides toward victoryBy Kate Kirk ’17

Coach Kitty McClernand and senior team captains Jules Kardish and Jane Prior use encouraging words and posi-tive attitudes in order to lead the cross country team to vic-tory, and the 2015 season thus far has proven to be extremely successful.

The team has participated in three invitationals and five league meets so far this year. The team ran in the John Sharpe Invitational in early September and successfully completed the race with var-sity placing 9th out of 15 teams and JV placing 5th out of 13 teams. The team also partici-pated in the Centaur Invita-tional with varsity placing 12th out of 16 teams and JV placing 4th out of 12 teams.

The team dominated at the Council Rock North Invite by placing second out of all sec-tional private and public AAA teams, beating out fierce com-petitors such as Saint Basil, Sacred Heart and Villa Maria.

Unfortunatley, the team’s two-year undefeated streak in dual-league meets came to a close after competing against Villa Joe with a 21-37 loss. Despite the single loss, the team has had a victorious season thus far and scored 21-34 against Saint Basil,

20-43 against Sacred heart, 21-34 against Villa Maria, and 25-32 against long-time rival Gwynedd Mercy Academy.

“The team is looking stronger every meet, and has made lots of improvements,” Coach McCler-nand said.

Senior Jules Kardish has con-sistently finished first for the-team this season. The team lost one varsity runner this past year, but fortunately gained two more

leading runners, junior Tess Worthington and freshman Me-gan Ciasullo.

Worthington, especially excit-

ed to be a part of the prestigious Mount cross country team, said, “I think we are going to do great things at championships and dis-tricts. Everyone is working so hard and improving a lot.”

Coach McClerland and the team captains go out of their way to make the team experience fun

and memorable. Explaining the importance

of team bonding, senior captain Jules Kardish said, “We really

wanted to make cross coun-try fun for the entire team, which is why we planned team bonding events like pool parties, picnics, and tubing trips down the Del-aware!” Excited for the team’s upcoming races and proud of the determination and dedication of the team, she went on to say, “the girls have not only been having a lot of fun, but have also been working incred-ibly hard and succeeding.”

The Cross Country team foresees victory in the League Championship meet at Tyler State Park and in Districts at Lehigh Uni-versity. Jules is “ . . . hoping the good, positive energy of our team will carry us through the tough courses.”

Confident with the team’s progress, Coach Mc-Clernand said, “We are re-

ally coming together and looking amazing.”

Cross country raced at Champs on Tuesday, Oct. 20.

One of cross country’s prominent runners, team captain Jules Kardish ’16, crosses the finish line first at the Mount course against Villa Maria.

By Katie de Luca ’16

After graduating eight seniors last fall, varsity captains Mary Katherine Maloney and Charlotte Sands knew they had big cleats to fill.

Soccer started off an action-packed season with an overtime victory over Villa Maria on home turf.

“Because we lost key players last season, this was supposed to be a rebuilding year. However, with the help of our younger play-ers, we’ve proved our capabilities in each game,” said Maloney.

Though Mount soccer has suf-fered some tough losses to big Catholic Academy schools like Villa Joe and Gwynedd Mercy, they have held their own in all their contests.

The Magic dominated rival Gwynedd in their second face-off of the season in an intense 3-2 game. Senior Jenny Murphy put the first point on the scoreboard for Mount.

“We came in knowing we needed to play our game, keep our focus and intensity and just play smart soccer, and I think we did that [against Gwynedd]. The support from the fans was amaz-ing and they kept us going the whole game,” said Murphy.

The Magic has had to overcome a string of injuries this season.

Early on in preseason, return-ing varsity player and promis-ing sophom*ore Lianna Alcaro tore her ACL while scrimmag-ing at tryouts. Other important players have had minor injuries that have made it difficult to es-tablish a consistent and strong starting lineup.

As a team, the girls have banded together on and off the field. With team bonding events like pasta parties and themed practices, this year’s roster is closer than ever.

“We all have a ton of confi-dence in each other. It helps us take our game to the next level and helps alleviate the pressure during really critical plays,” said senior Gabby Good.

The girls hope to make it past the first round of district play and beyond. The potential on the field is palpable, so there is a lot to be expected from Mount soccer in future competitions.

“We have really been focus-ing on practicing how we play in games. Communication and movement on and off the ball has been important in practic-es, and, hopefully, will help us as the season progresses,” said four-year starting varsity goalie Charlotte Sands.

With the hard work this team’s willing to put in, there’s no limit to how far they’ll go.

How well do you know your fall sports terminology?Test your sports knowledge by answering the following multiple choice questions about terminology in Mount Fall sports: volleyball, soc-cer, golf, field hockey, tennis and cross country. Each question answered correctly is equal to one point. Check your answers and see your score at the bottom.

1. In volleyball, what is an “ace”? A. a star player B. an impassable serve C. a foul play

2. In soccer, what is “the box”? A. the penalty area B. another name for the goal C. a formation of players on the field

3. In field hockey, what is a “16!”? A. a free hit for the defense B. a birthday party for a player turning 16 C. a hard hit that sends the ball over 16 meters

4. In Golf, what is an “alba-tross”? A. the bird in “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Coleridge B. when the ball flies off the course C. a double-eagle

5. In cross country, what does “CR” stand for? A. Cross Running B. Course Record C. Cat Racing

6. In tennis, what is a “foot fault”? A. Tripping on the court B. Kicking another player C. When a part of one’s body touches the line during the serve

0-2 Rookie: You could use some more practice time.3-5 Intermediate: People do not entirely associate you with the jocks yet, but you definitely are getting there.6-7 Pro-athlete: You know your stuff, and you are an avid fan of all things sports!

Answers: B, A, A, C, B, C

Senior Mary Katherine Maloney battles for the ball against Gwynedd.

Senior goalie Charlotte Sands looks to the sideline during a team meeting.

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy· 2015. 10. 26.· The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (16)

Sportspa g e 1 6 t h e c a m pa n i l e O c t o b e r 2 0 1 5

Golf clinches AACA League Title by Mady Taylor ’18

Before they had even teed off at the AACA Championship, Mount golf had clinched the title.

With an impressive record of 179-1 over the past fifteen years, winning has become the stan-dard. With sky-high expecta-tions, the girls, even with their recent win at Champs are not yet satisfied.

“The team has been very con-sistent,” said Head Coach Michael Brown, who added that there has been “lots of senior leadership from Megan Bray, Claire Brown, Mara Boston, Joanie Gannon and Laura Park.”

Senior co-captain Megan Bray shot the low score of 38 at Champs and co-medaled at the tournament. Bray said of the tournament, “We were proud to win the AACA Championship for the fifteenth year in a row. We all worked hard this season, so com-ing out of the championship with seven All-Stars was also a great accomplishment.”

Coming into the season, the girls knew they would have to step up their game after the loss

of last year’s key players, includ-ing Isabella DiLisio, who is cur-rently playing at Notre Dame.

“After losing some key players, it was amazing to see how much the team as a whole improved and how far we have come since last year,” said senior co-captain

Claire Brown. Head Coach Mi-chael Brown said the 2015 sea-son can be summed up by, “It

was truly a team effort.” Coach Brown described all the work every player put in to contribute, saying, “We were a senior-heavy team that worked hard this sea-

son to improve. Megan, Claire, Joanie, and Mara all played a heavy summer schedule that paid

dividends. Junior Caitlin Mahon played a busy summer schedule, and it showed in her improved play this year.”

As opposed to last year’s sea-

son, which relied on one star play-er, this year’s undefeated season has been a group effort. Seven out of the eight players were named Championship All-Stars, and nine girls qualified for Districts.

Unsurprisingly, the team domi-nated at Districts.

“I had my lowest score ever, which was really exciting. It was a nice surprise, and it showed that practice can pay off,” said junior Alex Mercader, who advanced to the individual district tourna-ment. “Everyone else on the team stepped up to get us the win.”

This season Mount Golf has consistently exceeded their ex-pectations, and they now hope to reclaim their State Championship title.

Regarding their State Champi-onship aspirations, Coach Brown said, “We have not played our best the past few weeks, but we are preparing for States with a couple practice rounds this week. Our experienced team will know what it will take to win and I am con-fident that we play better than we did last year. Our seniors deserve to win with all the hard work and time they put in this year.”

Golf celebrates their Senior Day after the match against Sacred Heart at the Philadelphia Cricket Club alongside Coach Brown and AD Janet Columbro.

Push the limit!by Margot Biamon ’17

This season, Mount field hock-ey has truly carried out its motto, “Push the Limit.” The team ac-complished one of their biggest goals only four games into the season: defeating AACA power-house Merion Mercy.

Not long after, the Mount had to “Push the Limit” once again. This time it was against their big-gest rival, Gwynedd Mercy.

With Mount leading 2-1 with five minutes left, Gwynedd scored to tie the game. Despite Gwynedd’s late goal, the Mount rallied together. Only two min-utes into a sudden death overtime, sophom*ore Grace Wallis passed to fellow sophom*ore Natalie MacNamara, who put the ball in the back of the cage. These huge wins inspired the team to work even harder toward their goals of

districts and eventually the state championship.

With the tremendous leader-ship of senior captains Taylor Grey and Courtney Target, the team has climbed to second place in the Catholic Academy League behind last year’s state champi-ons, Villa Maria. Although the team lost to Villa Maria twice this season, players are already looking forward to revenge next year.

The team will deeply miss their eleven impactful seniors as they head off to college. Luckily, the girls will get to see Taylor Merkle, Fairfield commit, and Eliza Ew-ing, Johns Hopkins commit, con-tinue their incredible field hockey careers into college. With a 7-6 record and second place standing, Mount field hockey is hoping they can continue to “Push the Limit” into districts and beyond.

Tennis crushes preseason goal

Senior Captain Taylor Grey takes a free hit in the game against Neshaminy.

by Regan Fitzgerald ’17

Tennis finished the regular sea-son 17-0 and accomplished their preseason goal of winning the AACA Championship.

“A lot of our success has to be attributed to our new coaches,” said junior Meredith Fink. Head coach Joy Grafenstein and as-sistant coach Amy Christine are both new arrivals this year, and from the beginning pushed the team to succeed.

“From the beginning of the season, they knew how to connect with every girl on the team,” Fink said. “We came into every match ready to compete.”

For most of the regular season, tennis was unchallenged. How-ever, Villa Joe proved to be a huge threat in both matches. In

the first match, junior Julianna Dischler was forced to forfeit the 2nd singles match after becom-ing sick, but the team rallied after this setback and won 3-2. An-other 3-2 outcome on October 1 gave Mount the win in their second match against Villa Joe. Senior co-captain Sophia Gardell says, “Villa Joe is one of our big-gest rivals, so both matches were great wins.”

The team came into Districts on October 12 knowing a win against its opponent, CB East, would be tough. After a hard fight, the Mount fell 2-3. Despite the team loss, first singles player, freshman Stow Weiss, and third singles player, freshman Eliza-beth Christine, both won. In addition, doubles teams Katie O’Sullivan and Ali Novak and

Stow Weiss and Julieanna Dis-chler both qualified for Doubles Districts. “The district match was fantastic,” Grafenstein said after the loss. “Although we were on the wrong side of the win, I still feel my team won.”

Though unable to advance through Districts, Mount Ten-nis achieved an outstanding sea-son. They came into the season hoping to win the AACA Cham-pionship, and with the inspiration of new coaches and the drive of every player on the roster, the team accomplished its goal. With the varsity roster still intact for next year, Coach Grafenstein hopes that “with practice, heart, and drive,” the team will be able to look forward to another suc-cessful season.

Co-captains senior Sophia Gardell (left) and junior Katie O’Sullivan (right) pose with Mount’s new tennis coach, Joy Grafenstein (center).

The Campanile - Mount Saint Joseph Academy · 2015. 10. 26. · The Campanile Mount Saint Joseph Academy Volume LIII, Number 1 October 2015 Pilgrims enriched by trip to LePuy, France - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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