The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (2024)

Rootbound Homestead

The Amish culture, which places a strong emphasis on using natural medicines to maintain health and wellbeing, has its origins in this elixir's creation. The Amish are renowned for leading a straightforward, rural lifestyle that places a heavy emphasis on self-sufficiency, little reliance on modern technology, and a close relationship with nature.

The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (1)

Amish natural remedyPhoto byRichelleg

Seasons change, and theoutdoors burst alive with vivid therapeutic plants. We are fortunate that nature has given us access to a wide variety of herbal treatments that have been used for a long time.Thishomemade Amish elixir for pain relief, which is prepared from dandelions, rosemary, and apple cider vinegar, is to reduce such pain and inflammation.

Health Benefits

Traditional medicine has traditionally utilized dandelions to treat a range of conditions, including pain, inflammation, and digestive problems. They are abundant in minerals like magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium, as well as vitamins A, C, and K. Additionally, they include substances with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Particularly in disorders like arthritis, muscular aches, and joint pain, these substances can aid in the reduction of inflammation and the alleviation of pain.

The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (2)

Dandilions are little spots of sunshinePhoto byRichelleg/canva

Salvia rosmarinus, a fragrant and adaptable herb popularly known as rosemary, is a kitchen staple that has long been valued for its plethora of health advantages. Thanks to its potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, rosemary stands out as a natural remedy for pain management.

For those who have illnesses like arthritis, muscle aches, and joint pain, rosemary is especially helpful because it is rich in substances like rosmarinic acid and camphor, which are known to help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Additionally, rosemary's ability to increase circulation can aid in reducing pain from a lack of blood flow, such as headaches or migraines.

The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (3)

RosemaryPhoto byRichelleg

Another popular pantry item, apple cider vinegar (ACV), is a flexible and effective natural treatment that has been used for generations to treat a wide range of health problems. Acetic acid, which has potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is a component of ACV, which is produced by fermenting apples. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be useful in lowering pain and inflammation in disorders including arthritis and muscle soreness, in addition to helping to manage blood sugar levels and improve digestive health.

I advise choosing organic apple cider vinegar that has "the mother," a good bacterium that gives vinegar its many health advantages, if you want to get the most out of it.

The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (4)

Apple cider vinegar should be cloudy and with the motherPhoto byRichelleg/canva

Iused dried herbs I picked last year for this dish. If you want, you may use fresh herbs; just be sure to double the amounts if you choose to use fresh rather than dry components.


1 cup of fresh dandelion roots

1 cup of dried dandelion blooms

1/2 cup fresh rosemary leaves, 1/4 cup dried rosemary

Two cups of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (containing "the mother")

a glass container with a secure cover

a cheesecloth or a filter with fine mesh

a storage bottle made of glass


Start by gathering fresh dandelion and rosemary,if you're using fresh herbs. Make sure to select your herbs from a place that hasn't recently gotten a pesticide application, such as a weed killer, where pets go potty, or near a roadside.

(You can skip the first two stages if you're using dried herbs.)

To get rid of any grit or bugs, gently rinse the herbs. After shaking off any extra water, spread the plants out on a fresh towel or piece of paper so they can air dry.

In a glass jar, combine the rosemary and dandelions.

Pour2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar over them.

For two weeks, place the jar in a cold, dark area or the refrigerator with a tight-fitting lid on top.

In order to prevent the vinegar from corroding the metal lid and causing it to rust, cover the top of the jar with plastic wrap or baking paper before screwing on the metal lid.

Shake it daily.

The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (5)

Soaking processPhoto byRichelleg

As the air bubbles rise to the top on day two, you might need to top off the ACV. During this time, the rosemary and dandelions will give the apple cider vinegar its therapeutic properties.

After two weeks, pass the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or a piece of cheesecloth, being careful to squeeze out as much liquid as you can.

Put the strained liquid in a bottle made of dark glass with a plastic cap to store it. This will shield the elixir from the sun.

Storage options include keeping it in the refrigerator or another cool, dark place. The elixir will last approximately a year if you use fresh herbs and closer to two years if you use dried herbs.

How to use

This adaptable elixir can be used in a number of ways to reduce inflammation and pain. The Amish Elixir can be incorporated into your regular activities in the following ways:

Application to the Skin

Applying the Amish Elixir directly to the troublesome area is one of its most efficient uses. Simply soak a clean cloth in the elixir and place it over the painful area for arthritis, joint pain, or muscle aches. You can also gently massage the elixir into the skin with a cotton ball or your fingertips. great for pain and swelling.

Warm it up.

You can reheat the elixir just a little bit before applying it to the skin for an extra-calming sensation. Warm a clean cloth in the elixir, then use it as a warm compress on the aggravating spot. The heat will aid in boosting blood flow and reducing inflammation even further.

In the bath

Add 1 cup of the Amish Elixir to a warm bath for all-over relief, then soak for at least 20 minutes. This might be especially beneficial for people who are experiencing widespread pain or stiffness because the apple cider vinegar with dandelion will help relieve sore muscles and joints.

Taken internally

The Amish Elixir can be ingested in addition to topical applications to reduce internal inflammation and pain. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of the elixir with a glass of water or your preferred herbal tea up to three times a day. When consistently eaten, apple cider vinegar may promote digestive health and maybe offer extra pain relief.

Massage Oil

To make a calming massage oil, combine thisAmish elixir with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. Mix thoroughly using a ratio of 1 part elixir to 3 parts carrier oil. To reduce pain and inflammation, gently massage the oil into the afflicted regions.


1. Traditional Amish Remedy Recipe | Yummly | Recipe | Health, Health remedies, Cholesterol lowering foods. (n.d.). Pinterest.

2. A. (2021, December 28). Heart Blockage Cure / Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Lemon, Ginger & Garlic Drink - Natural Home Remedy for Heart Disease. Yummy Tummy.

3. Rjevskaia, A. (2023, April 28). DIY Amish Elixir for Pain Management - The Lost Herbs. The Lost Herbs.

The Amish Elixir Recipe | Rootbound Homestead | NewsBreak Original (2024)
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