Muslim baby girl names starting with T - My baby Names (2024)

TurfaRarity, Rare object, NoveltyTuqaHeedfulness of GodTumadurOld Arabic nameTulayhahA narrator of HadithTuhfaGift, PresentTufaylah

This was the name of the freed slave of al-waleed bin Abdullah, She transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah ra

TubassumSmileTubaaBlessedness, BeatitudeTubaBlessedness, BeatitudeTranaMelody, SongToufika

Divine help, Guidance, Enabling, Inner motivation

TiranaSong, AnthemTibahGoodness, KindnessThuwaybah

Deserving of gods reward, Name of a female companion of the prophet

ThurayyaConstellation, Taurus, StarThurayaStarThuraiyaConstellation, Taurus, StarThumlAn early womanThufailah

Elegant with good respect for her elders


She was among the early muhajirs to Madina and a distinguished woman companion (Daughter of yaar bin Zayd al-ansariyah)

ThorayaStarThasniRiverThashinAcclaimTharyaName of a pious womanTharwahWealthTharuniYoung girlTharaWealthThanaaThankfulness, PraiseThanaThankfulness, PraiseThaminahPrecious, GenerousThamannaDesire, Wish, AmbitionThaheraChaste, Pure, Pious, Clean, HolyThabsheeraHearing good newsThabitahFirmTekiaWorshipperTehzeebEleganceTehreemRespect, SanctityTehminaCleverTehmeedPraise of Allah swtTazmeen

One having good qualities, Nature & habits

TazkiaSpecial, UniqueTazimaGlorification, ExaltationTazeenA decor, Decoration pieceTayyibahGood, Pleasant, AgreeableTayyibaGood, Pleasant, AgreeableTaymaOasis in northwest arabiaTaybahPure, RepentantTawfiqaProsperity, Good luckTawaddudEndearment, Showing Love orTaufeerAbundance, ExcessTaufeeq

Instruction, Courage, Daring, Guidance

TasweebJustification, TruthTasveerBeautiful portrait, Abstract pictureTasnim

A river in heaven, A Spring in paradise

TasneemaA Spring in paradiseTasneem

A river in heaven, A Spring in paradise

TasneamWater in heavenTasminShe who fulfillsTasmiaBismillah, Giving nameTasmeekhLiving in fragranceTasmeeaBismillah, Giving nameTasliymahPeaceTaslimaGreeting, SalutationTasleemGreeting, Salutation, Little starTaskeenPeaceTasiyahConsolation, ComfortTashveerBeautiful portrait, Abstract pictureTasheen

A name of the prophet (Pbuh), Ever ambitious

TaseefaClever, SmartTasavurImaginary pictureTarzMusic RhythmTaroobLively, Gleeful, MerryTarneemRhythm, VoiceTarinHillTarifaRareTaribLively, Gleeful, MerryTarannumMelodyTaraabJoy & sorrowTaqwaa

Piety, Devoutness, Heedfulness of God


Piety, Devoutness, Heedfulness of God

TaqiyyaPious, God-fearingTaqiyah

God-fearing, Devout, Pious, Righteous


God-fearing, Devout, Pious, Righteous

TaqadusSanctityTaobraPlays a small drumTanzila

Revelation, Receiving hospitably, Send by God or to come from the havens

TanzilRevelation, Sending downTanzeela

Revelation, Receiving hospitably, Send by God or to come from the havens

TanweerRadiant, Illuminating, EnlighteningTansinPraise, BeautificationTanseemSalute of paradiseTanneyFairy AngelTanjiaRescue, Salvation, DeliveringTanazDelicate bodyTamseelExample, Allegory, ParableTamkin

Empowering someone, Dignity, Gravity


Empowering someone, Dignity, Gravity

TaabahPureTaadeelEqualityTaeenQuranTaahirahCleanTaaliahFortuneTaaqulWise thoughtTabaniLightTabassumBeautiful SmileTabihaHonest,TruthfulTabinaEnlighten, SparklingTabsiraEnlightenmentTabasimPut up a smile in the faceTabbasumSmile happinessTafizaRespectfulTahaniCongratulationsTahiraPureTahiyaCheer,GreetingTahminaPowerful, StrongTahraHappy WomenTahseenOrnamentTahsinPraiseTaibahPure;RepentantTaifVision,SpectreTaifaNation,TribeTaisirMaking EasyTaifaNation,TribeTalaGoldTamannaTo wishTamseelExample, Allegory, ParableTanazWorthy to PraiseTaniaFairy princessTanishaHappinessTanseemSalute of paradiseTanyaFairy PrincessTanzeelaRevelationTaqwaHeedfulness of GodTaraStarTaroobMerryTareefaCuriousTarynCombination of Tara and ErinTarzMusic,RhythmTaqiyaGod FearingTasbeehRemembrance of AllahTaseefaClever, SmartTasiyahComfortTaslimaGreeting, SalutationTasniA River of HeavenTaufeeqCourageTauqeerRespectTawfiqaGood FortuneTazaFreshTazimRespectTazmeen

One Having Good Qualities, Nature & Habits

TiaHappiness,PrincessTibnaLong KiteTiranaSongTishnaFrighten,Be NervousThaminahPreciousThawabRewardThasniRiverToobaA tree in HeavenToshanaLover of lifeTranaSongTuhfaGift;PresentTuhiBird SoundTuqaaHeedfulness of GodTurfaRarity;Rare object; NoveltyTyraThor FlightTaahiraPure,chasteTaahirahCleanTaalibaOne who seeks knowledgeTaalibahA seeker, An inquirer, A loverTaaraaStarTabassumFlowering of a bud, SmileTabasummSweet smileTabindahShining, Glittering, BrightTabssumSmiling, A smileTahirahPure, chasteTahseenah

Approbation, Applause, Acclamation, Cheers

TaibahGood, Pleasant, Sweet, FragrantTajudeenClingyTakiyahPious, righteousTakmilahPerfection, CompletionTalethaA maiden ; young girlTalethiaA maiden ; young girlTalibaDivineTalihaOne who seeks knowledgeTalithiaA maiden ; young girlTamadhurProper nameTamimahCharm against witchcraftTanazDelicate bodyTaroobMerryTarzMusic rythemTaskeenOne who provides peaceTaybahPure, Chaste, Pious, CleanTayyibahPious, Good, ChasteThameenahExpensive, Precious, Costly, DearThanaaPraise, Applause, EulogyThannaGratitudeTharaaWealthTharwat

Wealth, Power, Influence, Affluence

ThubaitahBraveThurayaStarThurayyaA wealthy lady, Luster, ChandelierThuwaibah

Name of the woman who breastfed the Holy Prophet in his infancy

Tasleem Greeting; Salutation; Little starTaslima Greeting; SalutationTasliymahPeaceTasmeeaBismillah; Giving the nameTasmeeahelevation, NobleTasmeekh Living in fragranceTasmiaBismillah, Giving the nameTasminShe who fulfillsTasneamWater in heavenTasneema A Spring in paradiseTasnim

A river in heaven; A spring in paradise

Tasveer Beautiful portrait; Abstract pictureTasweeb Justification; TruthTaufeeq

Instruction; Courage; Daring; Guidance

TaufeerAbundance; ExcessTawaddudEndearment; Showing loveTawfiqaProsperity; Good luckTaybah Pure; RepentantTayma Oasis in northwest ArabiaTayyibaGood; Pleasant; AgreeableTayyibahGood; Pleasant; AgreeableTazaFreshTazeenA decor; Decoration pieceTazimaGlorification; ExaltationTazkia Special; UniqueTazmeen

One having good qualities; Nature & habits

Tehmeed Praise of Allah swtTehminaCleverTehreemRespect; SanctityTehzeebEleganceTekia WorshipperThabitah FirmThabsheeraHearing good newsThaheraChaste; Pure; Pious; Clean; HolyThamannaDesire; Wish; AmbitionThaminah Precious; GenerousThana Thankfulness; PraiseThanaa Thankfulness; PraiseTharaWealthTharuniYoung girlTharwah WealthTharyaName of a pious womanThashin AcclaimThasni RiverThorayaStarThubaytah

She was among the early Muhajir's to Madina and a distinguished woman companion


Elegant with good respect for her elders

Thuml An early womanThuraiya Constellation; Taurus; StarThurayaStarThurayyaConstellation; Taurus; StarThuwaybah

Deserving of God's reward; Name of a female companion of the prophet

TibahGoodness; KindnessTibna Long KiteTiranaSong; AnthemTisha Happiness; SurvivorToufika

Divine help; Guidance; Enabling; Inner motivation

TranaMelody; SongTubaBlessedness; BeatitudeTubaaBlessedness; BeatitudeTubassumSmileTufaylah

This was the name of the freed slave of Al-Waleed bin Abdullah, she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah ra

TuhfaGift; PresentTulayhahA narrator of HadithTumadurOld Arabic nameTuqaHeedfulness of GodTurfa Rarity; Rare object; NoveltyTaabeerThe result of deeds; WayTaadeel Moderation; EqualityTaahira Chaste; Pure; Pious; Clean; HolyTaalia Rising starTaaliah Lucky; Fortunate, FortuneTaaqul Wise thoughtTaaseesInception; FoundationTabaCleanTabalahA narrator of HadithTabanaBright moonlightTabani LightTabassum

A flower; Sweet smile; Blossoming


A flower; Sweet smile; Blossoming

TabeedahComplex; Zigzag; CurlingTabeerThe result of deeds; WayTabinaEnlighten; SparklingTabindaBrightTabish

Heaven; Strong; Brave; Vigorous; Ocean; Gold ocean

TafidaParadise Egyptian nameTaghridChirpingTahaniCongratulationsTaheera Chaste; Pure; Pious; Clean; HolyTaheraChaste; Pure; Pious; Clean; HolyTahfeemBeautifulTahira Chaste; Pure; Pious; Clean; HolyTahirah Pure; ChasteTahiya Greeting; Salutation; CheerTahiyah GreetingTahiyat GreetingsTahiyya GreetingsTahkeem Power; RuleTahlibah Loyal; HonestTahminaPowerful; StrongTahreem Respectful; RespectedTahseenahAcclaimTahsina Humanitarian; Healer; IntelligenceTaiba

Virtuous; Pious; God-fearing and devoted to God

TaibahPure; RepentantTaima Oasis in northwest arabiaTajmeel Decoration; Beauty; ShowTajweedPraise of Allah; HymnTakeia WorshipperTakeya WorshipperTakia WorshipperTakiya

God-fearing; Devout; Pious; Righteous


God-fearing; Devout; Pious; Righteous

TakreemRespect; Honor; SanctityTalaGoldTalah Young palm tree; FaceTalbashah A narrator of HadithTalibaSeeker of knowledgeTalibahSeeker of knowledgeTalika

Palm; Calm; Nightingale; Key; A list

Talikha NightingaleTalitha Young girlTalwasa As in may you always liveTamadhurBrilliantTamadur BrilliantTamanna Desire; Wish; AmbitionTamara Date tree; Palm treeTamazurBrilliant; WhitenessTameemah Name of a poetessTameemiyaPerfectionTameen Protection; Patronage; CareTamkeen

Empowering someone; Dignity; Gravity


Empowering someone; Dignity; Gravity

TamseelExample; Allegory; ParableTanaz Delicate bodyTanjia Rescue; Salvation; DeliveringTanjika Tanney Fairy AngelTanseemSalute of paradiseTansin Praise; BeautificationTanweerRadiant; Illuminating; EnlighteningTanzeela

Revelation; Receiving hospitably; Send by God or to come from the heavens

Tanzi)Revelation; Sending downTanzila

Revelation; Receiving hospitably; Send by God or to come from the heavens

Taobra Plays a small drumTaqadusSanctityTaqiya

God-fearing; Devout; Pious; Righteous


God-fearing; Devout; Pious; Righteous

Taqiyya Pious; God-fearingTaqwa

Piety; Devoutness; Heedfulness of God


Piety; Devoutness; Heedfulness of God


Star; The pupil of the eye; Meteor; Fragrance

Taraab Joy & sorrowTarannumMelodyTaranu

beautiful; melody; composition; singing

TaribLively; Gleeful; MerryTarifa RareTarinHillTarneem Rhythm; VoiceTaroobLively; Gleeful; MerryTarz Music RhythmTasavur Imaginary pictureTaseefaClever; SmartTasheen

A name of the prophet (Pbuh); Ever ambitious

TashveerBeautiful portrait; Abstract pictureTasiyah Consolation; ComfortTaskeenPeace
Muslim baby girl names starting with T - My baby Names (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.